

I sit in this room for an hour while considering how to fix this. There's no way, though.

Sure, Darius can say it wasn't me. It will look bad, no proof it wasn't me, yet he's defending me? People already thought I got special treatment.

If Darius stands there and says I wasn't the one who did it without showing proof, it makes it look like I’m being treated differently.

Sure, he's the king and could just say he isn't willing to share how he knows it wasn't me, but again, it looks suspicious; he showed proof of Aurora and her actions.

I hear the door and look up. Darius walks in.

"You have a choice to make. Not my brother, you. The impact of both choices lies with you, not him. I can't see anything to use that would prove you didn't do it."

He sighs. "There is nothing. That hall has no cameras. Even if I got Beta Marcus to lie and say you were in your room, it's still two people to one."

"Darius, it's fine." It's my fault.

"No, it isn't because someone has done this to make you look b
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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
I like that we got Darius pov it's good to see how he struggled with this
goodnovel comment avatar
Holly Mazzarelli
I'm so thankful for Darius' p.o.v., but I feel like we need a deeper whole chapter of his p.o.v. in Elara, and how he feels.
goodnovel comment avatar
I'm glad to see that Darius isn't heartless and actually cares for her

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