
Fifty three



Everywhere felt dark, I tried reaching for something but it all felt blank. Like an empty space! Where the hell was this place?

I tried to remember how I got here but nothing came through. I was beginning to feel concerned. Was I dead? But how could I even be dead?! The thoughts of it alone was scary and surreal.

Still bothered, I was trying to find a solution when I felt a sharp light hit my face. I fell down because of the impact of the light before standing up again.

I felt my body floating in the air till I suddenly disappeared.

I fluttered my eyes open, trying to adjust my vision. Everywhere looked so bright and at the same time blurry.

Where was this place? It took a while before I could realize that I was at the hospital. Several drips were connected to my body as the beeping sound of the machine could not be ignored.

What's going on?

The sound was very disturbing and I needed to leave this place.

I raised my hands but couldn't as a sharp pain made its way to my abdominal cavity.

I couldn't endure anymore, I tried to groan but it didn't come out well. My voice sounded so coarse, how long have I been here?

My throat felt so dry, like I had been there for some years now.

My head started throbbing lightly and I knew I had to make a move. “Help,” I tried to tell but it only came out as a whisper. I hissed irritatedly. Can someone just barge into this room, I couldn’t endure the pain any longer.

I was beginning to slip into darkness again as the intensity of my throbbing increased.

“Help!” I shouted louder.

A nurse rushed in, looking bewildered for a moment before rushing out again.

“I will be back.” she said, quite elated.

What the heck was her problem?! I was in pains here!

I was still complaining bitterly when the door opened ajar. I tried to look at the direction of the door but couldn't, the pain was just too much for me.

“Wow, this is surprising!” I heard the voice of the doctor. He came closer and stared at me with a wide smile.

“Urgh!” I groaned loudly, I was in pain and confusion. I could see a lady struggling to go into the room. “Who was she?” I thought. Mere thinking about it made my head throb as I closed my eyes in pain.

“Why am I here?” I asked them. “Why am I in so much pain?” I asked again.

I tried to leave the hospital bed but the doctor immediately rushed to me and I felt something prick me.

Feeling my nerves calm down, my muscles relax as I take a deep breath. I thought about everything and suddenly a flash of memory crossed my mind.

I remember everything!

The accident! I could remember what had happened clearly, I was just in my car driving till I felt a lorry come In Front of me with its LED light on.

Its LED light was so bright that I had to squint my eyes, I didn't know what happened from there again.

I opened my eyes again, only to be met by another flashlight. I squinted my eyes a little and that gave the doctor the cue to take the light away.

“How are you doing?” the doctor asked with a smile.

“I don't know. I feel very weak and thinking about something just makes my headache terrible. My whole body is in pain.” I replied, pain evident in my voice.

The pain was very intense, I had never experienced this kind of pain since I was born. It felt like my body parts were cut into pieces.

“Have you tried moving your body parts?” the doctor asked. “Not really, I am in so much pain to even think about that.” I retorted.

Thinking about it just made me scared, what if I become disabled?

“How about we do that now?” he asked again. I was a bit hesitant but the doctor gave me a reassuring smile.

I raised my arms and legs and they were all doing perfectly fine. I turned my neck and arched my back to see if they were all doing perfectly fine. I was very happy when I was affirmed healthy.

All of my body parts were checked and I was confirmed physically perfect.

“This is amazing!” the doctor said. “You just need to avoid strenuous activities, in a matter of days you will be perfectly fine.” the doctor announced.

“Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!” I thanked him. I was happy I didn't lose any of my body parts, thinking about being disabled just made me want to lose my mind but I thank God anyway.

I was still smiling when a lady walked in. I gazed at her, I felt this nostalgia.

Have we met? I couldn't place where or when. Something did attract me to her anyway, the way she walked and carried herself.

She smiled at me and I couldn't help but return the smile. What was this tingling feeling? It was like a force of attraction was between us and I couldn't stop gazing at her.

“Ohh, you are here!” the doctor said once he saw her. “I was about to send it to you. He has woken up and is doing perfectly fine!” The doctor told her.

I stared at them confused, who was she and how was she related to me?

“I can see you are confused.” The doctor said with a smile. “This is Glenn, she was the one that brought you here.” The doctor announced. “She saved you, I don’t know how but brought you here.” The doctor added as Glenn smiled.

We were still talking about that when someone barged into the room. Before anyone could even react to her presence, she rushed to me and pulled me into an embrace.

“I have missed you so much, baby!” She said,

I was more than shocked as everyone also had that expression. “Baby?” I asked confusedly.

“Yes, what happened? Don’t you know I am your spouse?” She added with a sound of hurt.

I looked at the doctor in confusion as I was very confused.

“I don’t remember having any wife,” I uttered.

I tried thinking deeply but nothing was there, not even a glint of what she was portraying. I didn't have any attraction like I had towards Glenn.

No matter how I tried, I couldn’t see myself holding hands with Martha but with Glenn, it was very easy. What was happening?! I was just so confused.

I was still thinking hard when my eyes met Glenn. There was something about her that attracted her to me, mere staring at her jolted some inner feelings in me.

I was distracted when someone cleared their throat loudly. It turned out to be my supposed wife.

“I am sorry that I can't even remember anything that has to do with this.” I apologized to the lady.

“I can't believe this! My husband just denied me in the presence of everyone.” she uttered bitterly.

She started shedding tears and I couldn't handle it, the drama was just too much for me.

“Excuse me! This is a hospital, keep your voice down.” the doctor interrupted Martha who was beginning to throw a tantrum.

“I will be going now,” the doctor said before walking out of the drama that was unfolding.

“I understand that something is wrong with your memory but I am still willing to stay.” Martha said.

She turned to look at everyone in the room before her eyes landed on Glenn.

“Thank you for saving him but I think you need to leave.” Martha uttered, walking closer to Glenn.

Why does it have to be her? Her presence brought some unknown comfort to me.

“She doesn't have to go.” I managed to utter.

“Babe! I need quality time with you, it's been like forever. Your child has missed your touches.” she said with a smile.

“Child?!” I exclaimed.

“Why are you so shocked. I am carrying our baby.” she said with a smile.

I groaned loudly, already tired of all the information I have heard since I got up.

“Can you please leave, I need quality time with my husband.” she said to Glenn, sounding more rude this time.

“What is with all of this lies?” Glenn finally speaks.

“Lies? What do you mean by lies?” I asked Glenn.

“Do not bother baby, I will handle it.” Martha quickly intervenes before I could ask another question.

“Your presence is disturbing my husband. Just leave!” Martha shouted but Glenn refused to move out.

“Security!” Martha shrieked angrily.

“Dont think you have won with this stupid act…”

Glenn was still saying when the security walked her out.

What just happened. Do these two ladies know each other?

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