
Sixty one



Love is selfish —When it chooses you, it does regardless of class, gender and in my case specie. It gives you no chance but consumes you completely, till you are a part of its body, spirit and soul.

I was a victim to this same fate, this love or whatever it was called. The thought of Santiago consumed every part of me till I felt no part belonged to me any longer . No matter how hard I tried it was almost impossible to shut him out of my thoughts.

He took it over completely, so much that my soul travailed In search of him while I slept.

At first, the lucid dreams appeared to me as unreal and unrealistic, but the fact they left the same feeling of thrill was what seeked to consume my own soul.

I woke up in bed every morning with the memories of being at the window again, this time he was there as usual, right there standing at the edge of the window looking at the soul of my wolf.

It occurred to me that something must be special about this man, I was left wanting to know every bit of him to the latter but that seemed unrealistic.

I was making my way down on the step that early morning with my escaping other thoughts, skipping the most important one of avoiding the house owner.

"Fuck —" I let out immediately I saw him, it wanted to step back into the darkness I had emerged from but at that moment, it felt too late. His gaze had settled in me from where he was standing.

He was out planning on going jogging as well or perhaps hoping that he'd be able to bump into me while doing that as he must have guessed I would be out as well.

"Good morning to you too." He muttered.

I swallowed at his word wrecked with sarcasm.

I was stuck right there with him on the stairs.

"You are running late on your payment again this month."

"Yeah, I know… I promise to pay it off soon as I get some cash. "

" You better or you'd be sleeping on the Streets by next week. "

After he had left, his words stuck to a corner of his mind. I knew he was speaking the truth, I could tell that he would carry out his threat.

For a minute, I stood there thinking about the offer again, a part of me was tempted by it but no matter how hard I thought I couldn't bring myself to get over the fact that I wanted something totally different.

There was that part of me that chose him over and over.

"What are you going to do girl" I thought in my wolf link.

It was funny how it chose to be silent about decisions that weren't Santiago.

Taking a deep sigh, I ran down the steps one part of me wanted to go back up and not run anymore but I needed this fucking run, I needed it than anything.


I walked out Into the sunlight, bending in both ways as I looked longingly at the sun

Ahead was the figure of the house owner turning a bend, there was no way I was going the same direction as he was so I turned to run in the exact opposite direction.

I could feel the sun on my face, as I ran out of sight of the house, the sun beat down harder than ever, but I didn't stop.

Every moment felt like my lungs were on fire, almost as though they were heated up by some kind of fire coming from my soul and it was hard to explain.

I could feel my nerves racing down my spine, such a run would have been better with a partner but since but as I none, I was exactly the same way I was described by life—a lone wolf.

Sweat made a lazy path down my back, I found a ditch in the middle of the road that had to be a warning sign 'construction at work ' and came to a stop right there at the edge of it.

I panted heavily, while still maintaining a steady pace of heartbeats, my top was soaked with sweat as I blew out a sarcastic breath, shook my head.

The sight of the sun over the horizon got my attention for a while, as I stood still staring at it . With a heavy weight upon my heart. I glanced at my watch before making the turn back home.

I was left with burning thighs, with my hamstring aching as I picked up the pace until I moved with a faster speed.

My whole body was on fire, but I resisted the pull to drop to my knees. Or stop running as rays from the sun found it way to where I was, I was exhausted and was starting to regret not taking my bottle along.

My hair stuck to my face, I raced heavily as I looked up ahead and found the figure of a woman standing right there and waiting.

She had her gaze settled in the direction of where I was running down from as though she was certain I had gone out running, unwillingly my gaze coasted to her. She wore a pretty dress in pink shoes and looked so damned beautiful in them.

To be sincere, she humiliated me. In a way with her beauty, I had the sudden desire to push her into a dump and probably run her over.

But then a not so tall huge figure stood on the front porch with her, the figure of my man stood right there beside her.

I looked around if there were anyone else, I would have wanted Santi to be there as well, but all I saw was her car as It sat in the driveway, as soon as I got closer the his big body out making my heartbeat falters.

I groaned internally, while I tried to convey the fact that I wasn't startled by the entire event, as soon as I stopped the man

only gave me a blank look, his intent withstanding— I stood a few feet away from them as I let out a sigh as I wiped my sweaty skin.

She covered the rest of the distance, flicking a gaze to me as she strode down the walkway.

His expression wasn’t as nice as her .

the voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"What are you here for?" I asked.

"We need to talk."


"What do you need?"

"Why not we take a ride —"

I stared at the car. " I'd pass, I am late for work."

" I won't accept a no, I'd drop you off. "

I sighed deeply. " Fine, I'd have my bath first, you don't expect me to leave this way. "

She merely shrugged as I walked away.

What did she want , again?

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