
Sixty five



I went still as soon as I was alone in my mind, I could feel the energy swirling in the air around me as I sighed .

I couldn't make out a lot from the short meeting I had with her but if there was anything I could take out of it, it was the fact that she did strike fear into my heart.

I decided that I needed to clear my head. I needed to put everything in the

right perspective. It was a time to tell myself I truly wanted and set the pace for it.

For a minute, I stood still,and couldn't even breathe or think clearly. I needed to speak to someone so badly, but unfortunately this person I needed to talk to the most wasn't here.

The sad part about it is I never asked for it or even knew what it was. I didn’t even want it but it felt like it was imposed by a certain norm. The undying love I felt for Santiago was here, I have no choice but to accept it.

I opened the bathroom room where I had been for the past minute sobbing—

As if she could read the energy around when I had left outside, Ann made her way indoors and pressed her face into my chest. She wrapped her arms around me, and satisfaction hummed in my throat as she comforted me .

"Everything would be fine." She muttered.

I wanted to believe her words, but still it left behind traces of doubt.

"So she tried talking you to leaving again right?"

All I could do was bit my lips and nod my head, to be honest the whole situation was getting restless.

In a way the day that should have been confusing and exceeding my expectations turned out to be good, too good to be real.

A warm breeze flowed through the cracked window of the store. Ann and I had been having a long conversation about what had happened that morning.

My heart beats deep within my Chest as I give account of everything. A cool rush of unease drifted through my body as I could feel that warm kernel of pleasure, of

relief, expanding in me till I felt it might explode.

"I just wish he is here so I can tell him what a serpent she is."

He was the last person I was expecting to see but seeing him still sent a thousand butterflies in my belly.

This time I didn't waste any more time as I made my way to where he was.

I looked back and could see Ann's jaw drop.

I took quick steps and covered the rest of the spaces between us, merely seeing him sent my heart racing. I could feel the broken part getting fixed and stitched as he stood there as though I just conjured him out of my thoughts.

He looked worried, a sliver of uncertainty curled in my chest. Wondering what could have gotten to him so bad as he seemed to be in haste.

"Can I get a bottle of water?"

He picked a bottle of water and dashed out quickly, when he came back a couple of minutes later the bottle was still in his hands and he was looking more confused.

"What is wrong?" I asked.

You could tell that there was something going on through his mind and while I was still disappointed that he hadn't even noticed me like I wanted to, I was still worried.

It was as though I caught myself in a twisted web and was so tangled in.

“Do you want to sit ?”


“I’m going to use the ladies’ room, he can take my seat." Ann offered .

She winked at me as she walked past, as for the second time that week we were both alone again.

"What would you like?” I finally looked from the sky to him. As he felt so much beautiful as he us outlined by the brightly lit horizon.

His presence was comfortable but distant, like I remember almost as if he was holding back.

Like he was in a whole different world and I was in another, yet I would give anything to have this moment forever .

"Do you work here?" He asked.

I smiled sheepishly. "Yeah "

"Sorry for the other day, my wife — Martha." He rephrased. " Is not usually like that. "

I felt jealous that he was defending her. " You don't know her too well then."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

" Maybe you should ask her when you get home why she was at my place today. "

" Martha was at your place? " He looked rather shocked.

For a minute, I looked hard at him hoping that he would just get back his memory suddenly then we would run away together far off to the end of the world.

His gaze met mine, and I waited for that spark of chemistry we've always had, but starting back at me like I was a stranger was his handsome face full of secrets.

He ran a thumb over his lips thoughtfully.

“You know you are always in my thoughts. "He says with a smile.

His gaze flicked to the left as he said those words and I could feel my heart skip.

I watched our reflection on the reflection of the glass. All of a sudden I felt his hands over my mind and suddenly I knew I might die if he didn't touch me again.

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have left."

He looked at me puzzled —

"What do you say?" He asked confusingly.

Disappointment sank like lead in my stomach and as it did it left a bitter taste for rage and regret.

It was obvious, I wanted control of some

things in my life—this man was one of them—I wanted to erase and write a new past but it looked as though the future wasn't glaring.

"You are yet to answer my question.Do you used to know me? "

My gaze dropped to the floor. " Martha is in the best place to answer that. "

" Martha?"

Speak of the devil his phone buzzed and we both stared at the caller, who else would not be than the bitch herself — Martha.

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