
Thirty five



Just as I had thought, the next night was catastrophic for my mind, it was the first full moon since I was cursed with the luna madness and I could literally feel my soul being set ablaze.

Santiago had been quiet and locked himself in the room all day like a sulking child, it made things better for me as I didn't have any explanation to do about my whereabouts that evening.

The feeling I had was replica to the night I had my first transition as a child, it started with so much searing pain that creeped my senses.

I grabbed at my hair till it hurt, never in my life had my soul felt this much pain. Each parting seconds were as though I was in the middle of heaven and hell with nowhere of either of the two as an escape route.

Minutes became two hours of soul, torture and when the hours had passed the whole situation left me with so much insatiable hunger .

I found myself in search of food as I spent the next hour, rummaging through wastes for anything edible enough to quench the hunger that was erupting in every part of me.

At long long last the moon cycle passed and my wolf yelped in relief, I found my way home dirty and filled with mad thoughts, there was a kindle in my chest birthed from the fact that I would have to face the same fate over and over.

As luck would have it, the lights were out by the time we returned. I slipped past the door Into the cold—empty room that was void of anything human.

Glancing round the room, I switched on the light and found his note by the table—

Gone for a time out with friends, won't be back till after midnight


I went through the letter over and over taking note of the fact that he had actually used his pet name, I thought perhaps he was a bit calm after the fight we had.

I poured myself a glass of juice and stared at myself in the mirror as I did.

"Santi won't love seeing us this way." I muttered to myself as I headed out.

The water trickling into the drain was darker than I thought, it took a long while to wash away the sand in my hair and just when I was about to dry myself, I heard the sound of the door creaking.

My heart skipped for a bit till I heard the sound of his voice, he wasn't alone. There was another so familiar that I was prompted to go down and check who it was.

I knew the face but the name was quite gone from my memory, I stood there for a while unnoticed as I stared at them.

By the look of things they had been out together and they were quite drunk, it occurred to me that when he had talked about hanging out with friends he meant this woman I couldn't bring myself to like.

Their chatter filled the air as I walked away furiously, when Santiago laughter filled the air I was filled with disgust. He should be doing that with me and not her.


Nothing special about a morning that had its previous night torturous.

Thrashing around the bed at my inability to sleep, I threw the duvet to the ground and sat at the edge of the bed.

Memories of the previous night clouded through my memory, with it there was a feeling that it might lose it again in the next few seconds.

The room was filled with the scent of freshly grilled food reminding me it was a Saturday as that was the only time he grilled.

One part of me wanted to stay in bed all day without having to face him but as the next hours passed it became evident I couldn't.

I paced to the door and back, sneaking a look out to see if the Coast was clear to take a quick dash to the kitchen.

The last time I checked , he was still there —Martha— or wasn't that her name?

I could remember her name now like the palms on my outstretched palms as I had spent the previous night thinking about her and wondering if she would be staying over.

Seeing her that morning was my worst fear coming to life.

Not only was she there in the living room as bright as the day, she was wearing his shirt as well.

I didn't know which of the two irritated me the most, the fact that she was there or the fact that she was wearing his shirt.

My mind played a trick on me, playing scenes of how the night might have been.

At long last, just when it looked like my brain might explode she walked out of the room to go meet with him.

It gave me the time needed to do whatever was on my mind.

I took a quick breath as I rested my back against the wall, running through what I wanted and the fact I was avoiding them.

A prang from my stomach broke whatever restraint I had left.

Swiftly I made my way downstairs, turning a corner to check again if the Coast was clear enough, I just about reached the kitchen and helped myself with some fruit and boxes of cookies —

Between the fact that I was left with an uncontrollable hunger ever since the Luna incident and that I didn't know how long I might have to stay away prompted me to take more than was needed.

I heard what seemed like footsteps and stilled for a brief second, seeing no one approach the hallway , I sighed as I made my way back.

Just as I was about making my way back, I

collided with something—

Shocked, I was forced to take a step back. Looking up with deep breath to see who it was.

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