



I stared intensively at Glenn from the other side of the table, trying hard to figure out what she meant by her statement. She sat there cool and collected, sensing my gaze at her, she turned and her eyes landed on mine.

She was quick to look away not because she was shy, no. But I have a feeling it was because she was afraid I might be able to figure her out from just looking into her eyes.

I sighed for the umpteenth time and moved my hand slowly through my hair, breathing slowly and trying hard to work to let my frustration get the best of me. It was on the tip of my tongue but just when I opened my mouth to ask, the waiter interrupted.

“Hey you two. Welcome. What can I get for you? '' The waiter smiled, which was genuine unlike that of most waiters. Her hands were placed neatly into the front room of her apron.

Only when I realized Glenn was not going to order anything anytime soon and the smiling waiter was becoming less enthusiastic about standing there while we both were engrossed in a staring contest with me trying to gain Glenn’s attention while she tried all she could to avoid looking at me.

“Just get us a glass of drink. Anything nice will do” I smiled politely while answering and she nodded almost instantly before walking away. I spared no more time immediately she left and turned back Glenn determined to find out what she meant.

“What makes you think I don’t know you well enough? Why did you say that?” I asked, my brow arched as I watched her and readied myself to listen to her reply.

For the first few seconds she was quiet and acted like I did not even just ask her a question but then at the last minute when I was about to give up and just go on with the afternoon, she moved her hands that were placed on her lap to the table top and turned her face to stare at mine.

“Listen Santiago, this is……..” she trailed off as if she was rummaging for the best answer to give or rather for the best way to get out of this situation without giving me the answer I demanded.

“The whole thing is complicated” she settled for that and nodded to herself as if that was the best answer to give.

“I know it is complicated Glenn. Nothing of such wouldn’t be. Heck I know you are complicated from the first day I met you—" I paused.

But then do you know that this complication can be untangled and solved in the clearest way possible.? But that will only be done if you allow me to help you.

I can’t do this on my own unless you let me in” I tried to make her see my point but the only reaction I got out of her was a single raised brow and then she turned away from me, going back to ignoring me.

I honestly understood her and I need her to get it into her head that the only way she would be able to heal is if she let me help her. She is stubborn clearly but I am never going to give up, not when I have come thus far. I just need to pull a few strings and I am sure she will open up and fill me in and only then will I be able to help her.

“Can you please hear me out just this once. I know how hard it has been for you and how it doesn’t sit well with you to just spit out your secret in front of me but then just know that to be able to heal, you will have to open up.

That is the only possible way I can help you heal. If you don’t open up, then I am afraid healing will be an almost impossible task to fulfill” I uttered, not for once shifting my eyes away from her. Not wanting any of her reaction to pass by without me noticing.

She ran her hand through her multiple times, opening and closing her mouth in the process.

She looked almost frustrated. I am not sure why but she looked almost ready to leave if I was not going to drop the matter so I kept quiet for a few seconds and when.

I was sure the foul mood was gone, I brought it up again, urging her to explain why she thought I did not know her well enough.

“Can you just let this go please. Can you dead this matter right now Santiago. Why can’t you understand that I am not ready to talk about this and respect that. You should just let this go for god sake. There is nothing to explain, just dead the matter will you?” She half yelled, earning a few attention from the table beside us.

“This is not something that should be dropped Glenn. This matter needs to be tabled and discussed. You need to heal. You are hurting, I know” I whispered, moving my hand on the table to make a point.

“You know what? I am done here” she concluded and before I could react, she was up on her feet and moving toward the door. Out of the door and the restaurant at large. I blinked in surprise before it finally registered in my head that she was leaving.

I jolted out of my boot and hurried as fast as my feet could carry me out of the restaurant toward her, calling her name but not once did she turn back or even make an attempt to stop in her tracks.

I gave up with a heavy signed and returned back to the restaurant just in time to see the waiter walking to our boot with two drinks at hand.

“Where is the beautiful woman with you?” She asked as I slid back into the chair.

“She left angrily” I murmured, not finding it in me to keep it away from her.

“Just give her time please, she will get back on track” she patted my shoulder and moved away.

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