
Twenty nine



It all felt like a dream, where should I start this blissful night from?

The moment I realized that my words to him were hateful and thought taking a walk would help calm my wolf, or the fact that I bumped into him. Which?

Either way, all I could say was that nothing was more special than this moment.

What could I term it as?

A rush of adrenaline, pumping right at the same rate as our hearts?

The truth was no one had ever looked at me the way he did, he did it differently.

Another part of my mind felt all of this was happening too fast.

I had to admit to myself that I barely knew the man and saying I love him would be the most awkward thing to do.

Yet I couldn't stop the rate at Which my chest was beating heavily at that moment, if there was anything I wanted to do it would be to enjoy this moment and let it last forever —

We laughed after both saying our names simultaneously, first at how stupid we both looked and the other feelings were due to the fact that our hearts wouldn't stop.

"You first." I said shyly.

He dimmed his eyes, closing them as he thought what he was about doing required every bit of his focus and attention.

Soon as he spoke I could feel the energy behind his voice , I could sense how serious he took this—

I looked past his shoulders outside, staring at the fireflies flickering in the moonlight that was curved like a sickle.

it could feel my lungs expanding as though to take in every bit of air it could in a rush before he spoke.

In a way, I knew what he was going to say…I could very much tell how sincere he was with his words. It was either two things: one had to be the fact that he was a very good liar and the other was he could feel what I was feeling.

I took in a breath. “What do you want to say? " I asked with a smile hoping that would urge him to speak.

I was dealing with my own fears deep inside of me were buried secrets, I wanted to tell him that I wasn't like him, that I was in fact so very much different.

He swallowed. "Glenn —"

Again, The front door opened and we turned to see two couples walking in —an elderly man entered with his wife, he passed by our table and smiled as he did.

I could feel his presence again soon after they left as it began to burn. He stared down at me. I stared up at him.

As we did, I could see as the corner of his lips lifted, I realized I was amusing him. My cheeks are heated with anxiety…

"Before, I speak let me apologize for how I acted before I left, I am sorry about this —"

I could not literally look at him as he spoke, a part of me was shy with the way he acting,.

"That was before. " I whispered. "I wasn't angry, I was just surprised that you acted this way."

As I spoke I tried all I could to keep my

expression polite and sweet as I met with him.

Whatever feelings we had that was obvious from the way we looked at each other that we shared our own feelings, I could hear his from the way his heart was beating softly with the smooth music.

"It is funny to see that you acted that way." I said to him with a smile on my face. In a way it was exciting to see that that darkened look I had seen on his face before he walked away was no longer there .

"I am sorry by the way ." He muttered, looking away shyly. I looked away from the table and saw him looking in the direction of the waitress.

"A friend?" I asked, nudging in her direction.

He looked in the direction of where I was pointing to and waves at her, she waves back shyly.

" Oh Amber, I just met her today … She was advising me on how to deal with the entire situation. " He muttered with a smile.

" Oh… That. "

" Wait a minute —" He Kept a puzzled look on his face. "Are you jealous? " He asked.

"Of course not, don't push it… " I warned, remembering what had been the cause of our dispute.

He raised his hands as though in submission. " Not saying anything more."

I flipped my hair, "Good decision."

He cocked a brow in a cavalier way. “You sure? Here I was having the impression you had me all figured out.” he said . His word's no matter how jocular it held a bit of truth to it.

My heart fluttered so fast it couldn’t be healthy. I had no idea what to do or say at that moment because in a way he was right.

He let out a sigh. "If you continue this way, I won't be able to say what I want to say."

This interaction was doing everything to prove that I was smitten by him as well.

"Speak… " I muttered. "I am starting to assume that you are not going to say anything."

He smoothed an absent hand down the front of the shirt.. “Do you know what assuming things get you ?”

"Tell me ."

His eyes fell to my lips. “Are you sure? ” The words were deep and soft, and a strange part of me felt like I’d done something good.

In a funny way, his breaths turned shallow. He reached for a napkin as his arm touched mine and it burned like the lightest licks of a flame.

His voice brushed the side of my neck. “It’ is nice knowing you Glenn, I wish to know you more the way no one else had. "

He said my name differently and I sat there staring at him

"You don't know me Santiago."

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