

Dante forcefully pulled me along, the adrenaline coursing through my veins like a raging river. The echoes of the explosion still reverberated through the building, each tremor a stark cue of the chaos that had erupted just minutes earlier. I could feel the walls quivering around us as if they too were struggling to contain the violence. I knew we had so much less time left.

But, there was a suffocating tightness gripping my chest, squeezing the air from my lungs with relentless vigour. It was a sensation both physical and haunting, the reminder of the man I had left behind. Silvio. My heart clenched painfully at the thought of him, refusing to beat without him by my side.

Though I held onto faith in Silvio, doubts gnawed at the edges of my mind like hungry wolves. I couldn't bring myself to trust Alejandro, not when he had made his intentions towards Silvio abundantly clear. He had threatened him countless times, his words dripping with malice and contempt. I knew deep down that ther
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