
Chapter 113.

Amelia's POV

I feigned a gasp, clutching my chest dramatically. "A monster? Here? On a bright Sunday morning?"

Chloe, undeterred by my theatrics, nodded sagely. "Monsters don't have calendars, silly. They can come anytime."

"True, true," I conceded. "But fear not, brave adventurer, for Aunt Amelia is here to protect you."

She looked at me like she did not believe me, scanning my body with an adorable wrinkle on her face and making me chuckle.

Suddenly, there was a yell from the kitchen just as the smoke alarm started ringing.

Chloe and I took one look at each other before rushing downstairs.

I got to the kitchen and saw Eddie frantically waving a towel at a burning pan.

He was swearing like a teenager who just learned about cuss words for the first time. He was surrounded by a cloud of smoke at the stove and fanning it with his hand.

“AH! Amelia! Help!” He was still swatting at the smoking pan.

I push by him and pick up the pan. He had already turned off the burner, and nothing wa
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