

“… that building has been around since Chase, Shane, and I were children. We made a bet that it’d collapse ten years ago, and yet, here it is still standing,” Ryan said, pointing at the rickety building in front of us.

The building looked like it was going to collapse at any moment, and I wondered how it was still standing. The brick wall was crumbling in on itself, and the sagging roof spoke of how the building had weathered through the time that passed.

Ryan had taken me around the pack house to give me a much-needed tour, and I didn’t know if it was because he noticed I looked a bit sad after hearing that I was going to see the elders tomorrow or if he just wanted to do something nice for me. Either way, I really appreciated it.

“It's hard to believe this building is still standing. It looks like it’s going to fall at any given moment," I said.

Ryan nodded in agreement. “I remembered when we used to dare each other to go inside.”

I chuckled, feeling a little bit lighter. “Really?”

“Yes. And I remember the time Chase got stuck in the basement, and he couldn’t stop crying,” he said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

“I can’t imagine Chase crying because of an old building,” I said in between laughs.

“We were all convinced it was haunted,” Ryan said.

‘We’re so going to tease him about this,’ Nia giggled.


“We’re heading to the servants quarters now. It’s pretty crowded,” Ryan said and stopped in front of me. He pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and motioned for my wrist.

I stretched my wrist toward him, and he tied the handkerchief around it, covering the branding. His movements were practiced, almost calm, as if this were just another mundane task.

“You’re not going to say anything?” I asked him, unable to conceal my curiosity.

He glanced up at me, still focused on what he was doing. “About what?”

“Your friend went to his nephew’s wedding in another kingdom and brought back a woman who has the brand of a whore as his wife and queen. You don’t see anything wrong with that?”

Ryan's hands paused for a moment before resuming their task, his gaze fixed on the knot he was tying. “Chase has always had his reasons for doing things,” he replied calmly.

I frowned, sensing there was more to his words than he was letting on. “And what about you?” I pressed.

“What about me?” Ryan asked.

“What do you really think about all of this?”

“I’ve believed in Chase more than anyone or anything since we were kids. There was always an aura of certainty that he had, and I’ve never doubted him. If he says this situation was best, then I believe him without a shadow of a doubt,” Ryan said as he finished tying the knot. “There.”

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“Anytime. Just know that aside from Chase, you have me and Shane, too,” he said.

I nodded. “I’ll always remember that.”

“Good. So you might be a bit conspicuous in the servants quarters because…” he trailed off.

I laughed at how awkward he was. “Because I’m black.”

“Yes, that. But you have nothing to worry about. You haven't been officially introduced to them yet so don't worry and just study everything for now.”

The servants quarters were bustling with activity, and although I looked different, I tried as much as possible to fit in with my outfit. Back at home, we wore more traditional, patterned, and corseted outfits, but here, everyone dressed like fairies.

There were vibrant patterns, billowing skirts, and big, exaggerated sleeves made of very light, pastel materials.

I wore a delicate, flowy blouse in a soft shade of ivory, its ethereal fabric catching the light as I moved. Paired with a long skirt of the same fabric. My hair was pulled into a chignon bun at the back of my head, curly strands of baby hairs framing my face.

We walked around for a bit as Ryan explained to me the color of the uniforms the servants wore and what role each color played. A few minutes into our tour at the servants quarters, Ryan paused, shutting his eyes.

“I’m sorry, My Queen, but duty calls. There’s a small unrest happening in town, and I need to go and address it.”

I nodded understandingly, though a pang of disappointment fluttered in my chest. Exploring the packhouse with Ryan was the only thing that kept my mind off the reality of my life, but I knew he had to go.

But Ryan quickly said to me, “I'll send my sister to finish the tour with you,” he said, offering me a comforting smile. “She'll show you all the best spots in the packhouse, I promise.”

With a grateful nod, I watched as Ryan disappeared down the corner, his figure quickly swallowed by the bustling crowds. Chase was not around because he had some things to tidy up in the kingdom, and now I’m left all alone.

I roam around the mansion, taking in the castle-like building. It felt and looked like a castle but in a very modern way. There were towering spores, arched windows, and tall pillars that made it look like a castle, but it was the interior and the furniture that made it feel so modern.

I went to the garden and sat down on a bench under an oak tree, which created shade from the sun. My eyes were drawn to the beautiful sculpture that was in the fountain. It was of a flamingo, its graceful form frozen in time as it arched back and spread its wings. Water cascaded from the flamingo’s beak, which made it even more beautiful.

I was so lost in thought that I didn’t hear or smell another presence with me in the garden.

“I heard Chase brought a woman back. I suppose, judging from your… color, that it's you, right?”

Startled by the sudden intrusion, I turned to find a woman standing nearby; her expression was filled with curiosity that wasn’t thinly veiled. Her sharp gaze bore into me as if daring me to confirm her suspicions.

She had very pale white skin and blue eyes, and she was extremely beautiful, exactly what anyone would expect a queen of this kingdom to look like.

“I... yes, I suppose it is,” I stammered, taken aback by her directness. “I'm Zara.”

Her lips curled into a disdainful sneer as she surveyed me from head to toe. “Zara,” she echoed, the name dripping from her lips like poison. “The woman who's set to marry my betrothed.”

I was shocked by her revelation. “Your betrothed?” Chase never mentioned being betrothed to a woman to me.

It was clear that she resented me, viewing me as an interloper who had stolen what she believed was rightfully hers. I had too much on my plate already to be bagging enemies left and right.

“I assure you, I had no idea…” I began, attempting to defuse the tension, but she caught me off with a sharp laugh.

“Save your excuses. I have no interest in hearing them. Just know that you’ll never be accepted as his wife or queen; the consulate won’t allow it.”

I raised my eyebrow at her, pettiness starting to creep within me. “But I’m already, his queen.”

“Hmm, so we have a branded for a queen. Impossible! Chase never fails to surprise me with the rash decisions he makes.”

“Well, his rash decision has been made, and I guess you’ll have to live with it,” I responded, a small smile curving the corner of my lips.

‘She spews nonsense, you leave her to me!’ Nia hissed.

“This has got to be a sick joke. He left me for you? Impossible!” she said and spat at my feet before walking away.

I watched in stunned silence as she turned on her heel and stalked away, her footsteps echoing in the eerie silence that followed her departure. My heart ached as I watched the woman bump into Chase, who had just stepped into the garden, her arms wrapping around him in a desperate embrace.

Something wild and feral filled my body, unexpected and unwelcome, as I witnessed their embrace. I wasn’t supposed to care, but I did, and pain seared through my chest with such intensity that I thought my heart might burst.

I fell to my knees, gasping for air as a crushing weight pressed down on my chest, making it difficult to breathe.

‘What is going on? Why are we in pain?’ Nia gasped, but I had no response to that question.

I saw Chase push the woman off and raced to where I was. Through the haze of agony, I dimly registered Chase's concerned voice calling out to me, but his words were distant and muffled, drowned out by the overwhelming ache that consumed me.

It was a pain unlike anything I had ever experienced, and I wondered why I felt the way I did before I was enveloped by unconsciousness.

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