
10. To the Ballroom

As Logan thought, the cat suddenly became alert. His fur straightened. His eyes widened to stare at the door. His movements became restless. Logan couldn't understand what was happening to the cat.

A servant entered the room and told him that the three masters had come to see Logan. Hunter nodded in understanding. Then he looked at Logan and bowed respectfully.

"I will escort you to the ballroom when your meeting is over," Hunter said.

Logan didn't answer, he was lazy but curious to meet Myrene's men.

His eyes widened as the three masters entered. They were all young and dashing. Strong looks and well-built bodies. How could they submit to Myrene so easily? Couldn't they rebel together? He was sure that if they joined forces, they could kill Myrene.

Logan's other side recognized the Alpha aura emanating from their bodies. Even Zeger silently showed his acceptance. But still, they were enemies. Logan saw them as Myrene's side, a werewolf who had lost his identity.

"Good night, Alpha Logan, welcome to the palace," Dexter greeted. His smile was mischievous. Logan knew the man's nature by the way he talked, walked, and smiled.

Logan looked at the figure in the center, who looked very calm and composed. It was clear from his look that he disliked him. The man bowed in greeting.

"Congratulations on your marriage. Good to know each other. My name is Atlas. This is Dexter and Levastan," Atlas said and introduced his two colleagues.

Logan was still sitting and had no intention of returning their hospitality.

"I heard you used to be Alphas. How can you give up like this? What did you get out of it?" Logan asked.

Levastan looked uninterested in Logan, his face clouded as usual. But he felt that Logan's words had humiliated him.

"Our position here is the same as yours. If you have questions and want answers, ask them yourself," Levastan replied.

"Queen Myrene is the best of queens. She has brought us all together. You must learn to look on the bright side of things," Atlas added.

Logan laughed at Atlas' words. "Bright side? You seem to have been brainwashed to say such ridiculous things."

Atlas scowled at Logan's words.

Dexter laughed. "You are funny, Master Logan. No matter what you say, you are still Queen Myrene's husband, and soon. So you might as well accept your fate and stop being such a bitch."

Logan frowned at Dexter. The man spoke so harshly with such a calm face.

Atlas told the servants to come in with a gift for Logan. Again several boxes were brought in. Logan didn't know how to organize the boxes, so the table was full.

Lyon sat on the gift from Myrene on the table. He sat quietly, his eyes sharp.

Atlas was surprised to see the cat there. "Lyon, how did you get here? Are you lost?"

Lyon jumped onto the sofa before Atlas could touch his body. "I will stay here. Her Majesty asked me to be loyal to Master Logan."

Atlas gaped, unable to believe what he was hearing. The whole palace knew how important Lyon was to Myrene. And she was giving this precious cat to Logan?

Why... not him?

Logan stared at the change in Atlas' expression. With a look of disgust, it became so cloudy and dark. What was wrong with this man?

Atlas took a deep breath. He looked lazily at Logan and explained his gift, as well as Dexter and Levastan.

Then Atlas gave him a black cloth bracelet with a wolf's head embroidered on it. It was very beautiful. The bracelet was three centimeters wide and thick.

"I ordered this a long time ago. I have several that I have shared with all the Queen's Consorts. So please accept it. It was embroidered by the best embroiderer in our pack," Atlas said.

Logan stared at the bracelet for a moment. It was placed in a beautifully carved wooden box like the others. It was childish, but he wasn't in the mood for trouble right now. So he reluctantly accepted it.

"Let me help you put it on," Atlas said.

"I don't need it, but whatever you say," Logan replied.

Atlas took the bracelet out of the box. The black color contrasted with the white gloves Atlas was wearing. He wrapped it around Logan's wrist and tied it off.

Logan pulled his hand away and smoothed his sleeves.

Hunter then entered the room and announced that they had to go to the ballroom immediately.

The other three Masters went ahead while Hunter escorted Logan to the ceremony.

They both walked through corridors that seemed deserted. Logan felt uncomfortable. Between nervousness and caution. But his body felt weak and hot. He felt short of breath.

"Master!" Hunter was surprised to see Logan stop and brace his hands against the hallway wall.

Logan felt his legs grow weak. He fell to his knees.

At that moment, Lyon came with his graceful strides. Then he grabbed Logan's neck with his claws.


Logan was surprised to feel the cat's claws on his neck. He reflexively pulled the cat away. But Lyon didn't move. Instead, the cat bared its fangs and bit into Logan's collarbone.

"Arrgh!" cried Logan. He tugged hard at Lyon, but the cat held on. "What are you doing?!"

Lyon hissed.

Hunter was shocked and immediately helped pull Lyon away from Logan.

Lyon finally gave up. But Logan's neck was bleeding with a blackish trail.

"Damn it! What are you doing?" snapped Logan, trying to catch the cat. But Lyon quickly ran away and disappeared into another corridor.

Hunter helped Logan wipe the blood from his neck. He was surprised that Lyon was so unusually aggressive. But it was the first time he served someone other than Myrene. Maybe he didn't like Logan.

"Damn cat!" Logan cursed and stood up carefully. He vowed to kill the cat if he saw it later.

"Forgive him, he's usually very calm. This is his first time serving others, I hope you can understand," Hunter said calmly.

Logan snorted in annoyance. Soon he was walking again. Fortunately, his body no longer felt weak. He didn't know what was happening to him. Could it be that he hadn't eaten enough?

In the ballroom, Logan was surprised to see guests crowding the spacious room. His eyes widened at the presence of the lavishly dressed people there. How could they... come with a one-day invitation?

Logan swallowed as nervousness overcame him. His breathing was labored. He wasn't ready to show himself as a loser who had lost the battle.

But he had to face it, right?

Logan's presence made Atlas' eyes widen. He stared at Logan intently.

"How did he get here?" he muttered in disbelief. But Logan walked into the ballroom.

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