

Vanessa has always been her own person, though I would like to make her my sister and bring her into the family, she can be rather… well, wild. Now that I think about it, she thought Niko handling our son was the ‘sexiest thing ever’ Vincent and Niko are somewhat similar, physically. Niko is more quiet and cold, while Vincent is brooding and a bit of an asshole if you’re the kind to get offended easily. But that doesn’t make him less attractive in the least, I think if you like them bad, he's right up your alley.

After her comment the other day about wanting to fuck someone, this could catch two birds with one net. It’s excellent.

And their names match, Vincent and Vanessa, just like Dominiko and Delores.

If that isn’t a sign I don’t know what is-

“Not a chance” his refusal immediate, cdidnt even let me bask in the glow of my excellent matchmaking.

I straightened confused “Why not, don’t you like her? She is the most gorgeous woman I know, with a great fashion sense, you are be
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