

Aimee's pov..................

I was shocked by Boyd's betrayal but not heartbroken, I guess it was because I never loved him, there was only one person my heart belonged to and I needed to apologize to that person now.

"Dale wait up!!" I shouted as I ran after him.

He stopped and turned around lazily "What do you want Aimee?".

I bit my lips "Thanks".

"For what?".

"Protecting me".


"You know, I should have believed you".

"Yeah you should".

"But a lot of things were going on in my mind, but that isn't an excuse, I should have trusted my best friend and no one else".

"Yeah you should".

"Talk to me Dale".

"I am talking to you".

"No you aren't, I know there are a lot of things that you want to tell me right now so just spill it now" and I saw him frown "What exactly do you want me to tell you Aimee, I was insulted by you twice".

I nodded "I know and am sorry".

"You humiliated me and called me all sort of names".

"Am sorry".

He chuckled and shook his head "Sorry won't cut it Aimee".
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