

Dale's pov........................

"I love you"

Did I just hear that correctly, Did Aimee just tell me that she loved me? No I was sure I was just hearing things, Aimee couldn't possible love me "What did you say?".

She nodded "That I love you Dale, I've always loved you and I always will, i only did the things I did because I loved you, I couldn't bear to see you with other girl, I wanted you to look at me and only me, no one else. I know I was being selfish but I selfish for love, I loved you so much it hurts every single time I was apart from you and when I saw you didn't love me back, it broke me. I decided to let you go, I went into the hands of another man because I wanted to escape from the pain of losing you".

And I kissed her so happy to hear those words "I love you too baby, so very much"

Her eyes widened "Really?".

I nodded "Yeah, I was actually going to tell you on prom night and then again in the kitchen but then you told me you loved Boyd and it killed me".

She shook her
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