


Painting has always been my go-to activity whenever my day starts off dull or when everything seems to bore me.

I can't really put into words what painting makes me feel. It's like the moment I sit before my board and pick up my brush, my boredom fades bit by bit as I let my brush roam freely, reflecting whatever is on my mind.

Sometimes, I have nothing in mind and just move my brush absentmindedly on the board.

Surprisingly, these paintings I create out of sheer boredom often gain more admiration than the ones I make when I'm in high spirits.

Mrs. Ann, my art tutor, often calls them my masterpieces, but I totally disagree. They're just candid paintings without any clear or relatable meaning in each stroke of the pencil or touch of color.

Nonetheless, everyone appreciates art differently. I guess Mrs. Ann's perspective on creativity is a bit odd.

As much as I get really creative when bored, I can't say the same for this moment.

Right now, I'm sitting before my board, making a
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