


Just a minute into the dance, I had to admit that I was already impressed. The girls moved around like experts; their waists swivelling effortlessly to the sound of the soft music that was playing in the background.

And the music? Where the hell was the music coming from?

I turned around, trying to locate where the sound of the music was coming from and my eyes met with one of the dancers. She winked at me and moved her hips seductively.

I turned to see if Freya was watching but she wasn't. And then, I reached out to one of the guards who was standing beside me and pulled him closer to me.

"See that girl at the fore front," I whispered in his ears. "Keep an eye on her. After this dance I want you to follow her and get me her number okay?"

The guard nodded and went back to his duty post. I looked to Freya to make sure that she had not noticed our little conversation and just as I had expected, she was still distracted, watching the girls as they danced.

I smiled to myself
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