


I backed away slowly as Martinez approached me.

He was a tall and buff man with a piercing gaze, and being in the same room with him for a long time meant trouble.

He inched closer to me, slowly and steadily, counting his every step as he walked and I kept moving backwards, until I could not move any further.

I had gotten to the wall. There was no escape for me there. I was all alone, no Xavier to help me, no Hermes to save me. I was stuck with the man I suspected, hated me more than anyone else in the world.

I wondered why he even hated me. What had my evil father done to him?

Martinez stopped a few centimeters away from me and he scanned me from head to toe. He raised his hands up and his fingers sharpened into claws at once.

I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the worst. If that was how I was going to die, then I had to be ready for it.

He brought his claws down on the wall, making a sharp scraping sound and my whole body shook out of fear.

Martinez chuckled
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