
Are you high on drugs?.

He opened his mouth to talk and the words came out before he could control himself.

"Marry Me"

Chloe furrowed her eyebrows wondering if he was a mad man dressed in an expensive outfits.

"Are you high on drugs? Or did you by chance run away from the psychiatric hospital?" Chloe asked with a frown.

Even the way she frown made him have butterflies in his stomach.

"Why are you so beautiful?" Damien asked with his eyes fixed on her blue eyes. Her eyes were kind of big, but that added to her beauty.

"He is indeed a mad man. Now I know that not everyone is normal" Chloe muffled to herself and forcefully took her hand from him.

"I’m beautiful cuz that’s my nature, and why will you ask me to marry you?"

"Cuz I like you" He said with his gummy smile.

"I think you should return to the psychiatric hospital you escaped from, and FYI, I have a boyfriend!" Chloe said to him straight forwardly.

She turns to leave, but Damien quickly rushed to her and blocked her part.

"Where are you going? We’re not done talking. I’m serious I want to marry you" He said, and Chloe sighed frustratingly.

"Get out of my way, when I am still being nice, else you’d be buried six feet under the ground"

"It will be a happy ending since you’d be beside me" He winked at her.

"Who released this wild dog from its cage?"

Mirabel rushed in and sees Damien talking to Chloe, and she has never seen him smiled this way towards any girl, and it kind of brought out the jealousy in her.

"I think you should go back to your cage, cuz that’s where you belong" Chloe said and pushed him away and he smiled.

"Damien!" Mirabel called him walking up to where he was.

On hearing Damien, Chloe halted her feet from leaving the restaurant and she turned to look at him.

"You’re Damien Walter?" She asked.

"Yes he is! What took you so long? He has been waiting for you!" Mirabel said.

"Shut up Mirabel. We just got here remember?" Damien said.

"Huh?" Mirabel furrowed her eyebrows.

"Don’t mind her, you came in time, and besides I don’t mind if you keep me waiting, it’s worth it" He winks at her again and Chloe found it so irritating.

Mirabel was short of words.

"I didn’t know you were Damies, you talked like a mad man earlier so I had no idea"

"Mad man? Watch your tongue Chloe!"

"Who asked you to scold her? She didn’t call you a mad man, so why are you drinking Panadol for my own headache?" Damien asked, with his eyes glued on Chloe’s small face.

Chloe checked her wrist watch and said. "Let’s get this meeting done and dusted, I need to be somewhere"

"Sure Chloe" Damien said, pulling out a chair for her.

Chloe rolled her eyes at him, before sitting on another chair, he chuckled and sits beside her with his eyes on her.

"Damien" Mirabel called his name

"What?" He asked looking at Chloe's face.

"We should get started"

"Just a second" He said taking his time to look at Chloe's face. The way he was looking at her face, you’d think he was carrying out an experiment.

Chloe got uncomfortable and hits her hand on the table, she looked at him with a glare.

"If you don’t stop looking at me that way, I’m going to charge you for harassment"

"It won’t be a problem going to jail for you" He smiled.

"Damien, what’s with you? We are here for business" Mirabel said.

On hearing business, he quickly got back to his senses.

"Where were we?" He asked.

Some minutes later, they were done talking and signing the contract.

"Make sure the sugarcanes are delivered to Mints sugar company on time" Mirabel said.

"You don’t have to worry, once the sugarcanes are ready, I will have it delivered to Mints sugar, as long as I get paid"

"Paying you isn’t a problem" Damien said 

Chloe stood to her feet.

"Then we have a deal" She said, bringing forth her hand for a shake.

Damien smiled and took her hand. "Your hand is so soft" He tried kissing her hand, but Chloe took it from him.

"I take my leave now" She smiled at Mirabel, but threw a hateful look at Damien before running out of the restaurant.

Damien fell to the chair, with his hands under his jaw.

"What a beauty" He giggled.

"Damien will need to leave" 

"Do you have her number?"


"My Chloe’s number" He smiled.

"Yes I do"

"Give it to me" He said bringing out his phone.

"You don’t have to get her number, Damien. I can always call her if we need her"

"Are you tired of your job?" He asked.

Mirabel shook her head and gave him Chloe’ number 



Candy and James are seen walking to a seat in the cafeteria with their tray of food in their hand.

"You changed your glasses?" Candy asked.

"Yes I did. My glasses were getting old, so Brian got me a new one"

"Whoa, that’s so nice of your brother"

"You can say that again Candy. Brian works his butts just to send me to school, the least I can do is to get good grades" James said.

"You’re doing that. You’re the best student in our class" Candy said raising her thumb and he smiled.

Alexis walked up to them.

Alexis is Chloe’s younger sister, she is sixteen years old but a very annoying person.

Candy is Chelsea’s younger sister, and James is Brian’s younger brother.

The three of them became friends, because Chelsea is Chloe’s best friend and Brian is Chloe’s boyfriend.

"Alexis" Candy smiled at her.

"I thought I told you to tell that brother of yours to stay away from my sister?" Alexis asked.

"Why should I meddle in a relationship that is filled with love?" James asked and Alexis chuckled.

"My sister is just being stupid and that’s why she is dating a church rat"

"Alexis that’s harsh" Candy chipped in.

"I didn’t ask you to speak so just pretend to be invisible" Alexis said to Candy, and she became mute.

"My brother is doing his best for Dove. He gives her anything she wants"

"You call the little money he gives to her everything. She should be dating a rich man not someone like your brother. He can’t possibly take her out of the rat hole she grew up from, cuz he also belongs there"

"Watch your mouth, Alexis" James warned.

"And what are you going to do if I don’t?" She asked walking closer to him, but James said nothing.

They’re friends, but Alexis is like the leader of the group. Her mouth is sharper than a razor blade.

"Just wait and see, I will see to it that Brian never ends up with my sister"

"What are you planning on doing?"

Candy smirked and walked away.

"What’s her problem? Her obsession to live a fancy lifestyle is getting worse" Candy said.

"Just ignore her, Candy" James said.

Both sat on the cafeteria’s bench to eat.


Brian had a smile on his face as he looked at the necklaces in the jewelry boxes. He came to the jewelry store to get Chloe a necklace.

"Have you seen the necklace you like?" The attendant asked.

Brian looked at her and smiled. He has a heart-shaped smile. No doubt he is handsome, with his fringe hairstyle giving him the innocent kind of look.

He is unlike Damien who always weaves his hair.

"Not really. I haven’t found the necklace I’m looking for"

"What kind of necklace?"

"Em… it’s a lovelock necklace. It’s my third year anniversary with my girlfriend" 

"Awww that’s so sweet" She said and Brian smiled.

"But those kinds of necklaces are customized"


"Yes. If you want we can have it customized for you. What do you think?"

"I like the sound of that" He smiled.

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