

“Mr. Edmonton, meet my boss, Mr. Louis Bailey. Boss, meet Mr. Rex Edmonton, the client I have been expecting from the USA.”

Eric introduced. Likewise, Louis stretched out his hand to the surprised client, who accepted it for a handshake and said, “Welcome to my humble office, Mr. Edmonton. Kindly, take your seat.”

He took his seat in amazement, as well as Eric.

“Thank you, Mr. Bailey. I'm much honored to meet with you at last. I have heard so much about you.”

Now, Louis chuckled and teased, “That is good. I hope that what you have heard about me are not negative things.”

The three laughed and Mr. Edmonton continued, “To be candid, I was expecting…”

“An old man,” Louis interrupted and completed his statement for him. He smiled and demanded.

“How do you know what I wanted to say?”

“I am aware of what you wanted to say because I am used to such remarks from clients. All the same, you are welcome. What do I offer you, tea or coffee?”

Louis asked with finality, and Mr. Rex, Edmonton got
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