
Chang and Yoon Eum Part 1


"Yes it's me again"

"So she called you"

"Yes, and I couldn't say no"

"I get that, it's really hard to say no to her"

They both laughed.

"Sorry please come in" Chang invited her in. She was holding one suitcase and a black hanging bag.

"Make yourself at home, this place may be small but comfortable," he said to her.

She smiled and said "It's not a problem, I still can't believe I am in my star-crush apartment" She didn't realize what she had just uttered until she looked at Chang who had a smile on his face.

She smiled shyly with her hand brushing her neck. "Have you eaten, I am guessing you are starving" he asked.

"Thanks but I am good," she said to him. "Well let's get you settled in," he said and took her suitcase and led her to the second bedroom.

Phoebe's POV;

Eric's House;

Eric kept his distance from me, and I don't know the reason why but I can't force someone who hates me to like me.

So I decided to stay away from him by avoiding him. I got back from work on my own and
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