
Are you ill?


I stood still shocked at what Tracy said but I know I need to give them space to talk .

" I need to check something inside the room ". I said and walked into her room .

I know Tracy loves David so why is she treating him this way?

The memories of the time that kheera used to treat me this harshly flashed in my head and I know how much pain David must be going through.

I'll talk to Tracy after this, I need to know why she's acting this way towards him .



I walked closer to where she stood and I used my thumb to wipe the tears on her face and she melted in my arms .

" I know you do not mean all of the things you've just said ....."

She opened her mouth to talk but I placed my hand on her lips to shut her up.

She looked at me with her teary eyes .

I pulled her in gently and kissed her for what seemed like forever and she kissed me back .

I pulled away gently from the kiss .

I already know what I want to know .

She loves me and that's enough .... whatever
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