
Author: Toms


“I didn’t kill her,” Neo yelled at the top of his voice.

Struggling to free himself from the grips of the two hefty-looking police officers,

“You’d better keep your mouth shut,” one of the two police officers fired back as they dragged him out of the building.

Despite being caught in the act, how is he still insisting on his innocence?” the other police officers said in disbelief.

“I know, right? I think he needs to be checked,” the first police officer replied.

Neo frowned as the police officers pulled him past the small crowd that had gathered in front of the house into the police van.

“If she had just obeyed me without trying to act smart, none of this would have happened,” Neo said to himself silently.

Lucy was Neo’s crush right from high school days and he had once asked her to be his girlfriend but she refused him, saying she was in love with Micheal. She turned Neo down and went into the hands of Micheal.

They had just finished high school and Lucy thought Micheal was cute ever since the school prom night. She stared at him for a while in the room filled with distinct smells of alcohol. At that moment, the light turned off and a blue light flickered on.

During the introduction of a game of dares by the class president, Lucy found herself paired with Micheal multiple times. She loved every bit of it. She got paired with Neo once and declared her exit, refusing the dare. Neo was hurt. As soon as Lucy left the circle, Neo followed her.

“Why did you have to walk out of the game? Because you were paired with me?” Neo asked, making Lucy stop to listen to him

“Yes, and what are you going to do about it,” Lucy replied angrily.

“ Wow. Did you know Micheal doesn’t even give a fuck about you? He thinks you’re a bitch.

“And who the hell do you think you are to know what Micheal thinks about me and if he gives a fvck about me or not?” Lucy fired, cutting him short.

“Micheal is my classmate at school and study buddy at home. We’re quite close, so I know that much,” Neo said with confidence.

“Oh, I see! If he doesn’t want me, I want him. And if I want him, I’ll get him, period. Lucy said and walked away.

Neo stared at her in disbelief.

“Lucy and I, Neo Biggs, were once best friends. Many times, other students thought we were in a romantic relationship and this relayed my confidence to ask her out. Even though she declined, I still provided her with support in comprehending mathematical problems due to my brother’s expertise in calculus. I made sure Lucy got better at mathematics. By encouraging her to study more, she was able to surpass me in class and even received recognition for her exceptional performance among her classmates during her first year of high school. But, as soon as Micheal transferred to our school, Lucy started to care for less. She stopped studying with me and Micheal’s hobby became her hobby too.”

“Yo, what’s going on?” Micheal said tapping Neo on his shoulder jerking him off from his long thoughts. “I thought you were enjoying the game, why did you leave so soon?” Micheal asked. He curled his hands around Neo’s neck and pulled him back to the game circle.

Neo was boiling with anger and his ears started to turn red as if someone had slapped him. Clenching his jaws he replied to him.

“Well, I don’t know if you need to hear but as you can see, Lucy is my close friend and crush. Unfortunately, there’s no room for a new crush. I’ll advise you not to try anything stupid with her.”

“What are you talking about? Me and Lucy? Yo, you know I don’t like that girl, what’s gotten into you?” Micheal said frowning

“ I’m just saying,” Neo said

“Yo come off it,” Micheal said as they both sat down to continue the game.

The game was over and it was party time. Neo was happy he would be sleeping in the same room as Lucy. But after the party was over, instead of going to her assigned room, she went into the room Micheal was in. She had convinced the girl in Micheal’s room to switch sides which she agreed to.

“ Lucy!” Neo rushed after her, but she snarled at him dangerously. Neo winced and stopped. He watched her sashay into Micheal’s room.

The night stretched on endlessly and he waited for her even when he knew she wasn’t coming back. Sleep was nowhere near him as he tossed and turned multiple times in his bed. He wanted to go into Micheal’s room and drag her out of there but then his vision suddenly became blurry. He closed his eyes and collapsed to the floor. The girl in his room called for help and he was rushed to the school’s infirmary.

Waking up to still not find Lucy beside him Neo got angrier and frustrated. He just couldn’t let Micheal take Lucy away. Even when Micheal had said he didn’t like her, he still found it hard to trust him. Lucy is seductively attractive, the type any man can’t resist, so it doesn’t make sense that Micheal isn’t interested in her. He found himself competing against Micheal even though he wasn’t up for the competition. The fact that Lucy slept over in his room without checking up on him gave him the impression that they already clicked.

He left the infirmary and walked into his room, got dressed, and then headed for Michael’s room. As he was getting closer to the door her heard Lucy’s voice.

Yeah. Faster! Lucy moaned.

Neo fell to the floor in utter shock and disbelief. He felt as miserable as hell.

Just then, Lucy came out with a white towel tied around her body. Cold and wet, tired she locked eyes with Neo in shock and fear.

Sluggishly, Neo stood up and went into the room. He stared at the vast and empty room in disbelief.

“I thought Lucy was coming behind me,” he said to himself.

He took a deep sigh and lay on the bed. It was a long time before Lucy finally came into the room dressed in Micheal’s t-shirt. She changed into her dress, picked up her handbag, and left without saying a word. She stepped out of the room and walked out of the building to take a taxi and get a ride back home. She saw Micheal waiting to catch a taxi at the front of the building also and she walked far away from him while hissing.

Neo washed his face, picked up his belongings, and left the room heading home also. He noticed the distance and awkward atmosphere between Lucy and Micheal but he didn’t say a word.

Lucy’s ride came and she left, leaving Micheal and Neo at the spot.

Neo rushed towards Micheal and landed a punch on his face.

“What the fvck happened? You told me you weren’t interested in Lucy” Neo questioned with anger written all over his face.

“Yo, did you hit me because of that girl?”

“Point of correction. Her name is Lucy, not that girl”

“Oh I see,” Micheal said nodding his head

“Answer me I said what happened” Neo shouted

“Why don’t you ask her yourself isn’t she your very close friend? Micheal said and smirked

Neo was infuriated he landed a few more blows on Micheal’s and his nose started to bleed and his teeth were covered in blood. Luckily for him, his ride came and he left.

With Micheal and Lucy gone, Neo’s eyes reddened. He fell into a shapeless heap on the bare floor. His brain couldn’t process what happened between Lucy and Micheal but somehow he felt betrayed.

Neo wiped off the tears on his face as his ride approached. He never intended to reach out to Lucy or Micheal. He didn’t need them to survive. His life will be better without them. He’ll be worry-free and also learn to love and care for himself more.

He swore to find a way to take back what had belonged to him. He vowed to get Lucy back no matter how long it would take.

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