
Ch079: Regal Pack


I sat patiently as Noah wrapped a clean bandage round my head. It felt weird having a man touch me so closely like this. Perhaps because I have gotten too used to the Romani's brothers...

Thunderbolts struck my head as some of the fragments of my missing memories began to return... I could remember I had been abducted by some rogues at the racing arena but anything after that, I couldn't remember.

What exactly happened? The concussion probably affected my memories too. And... Romeo would be so worried.

I opened my mouth to ask them how long I've been out of consciousness. But no words came out, only my lips moved.

Noah's mother noticed I was trying to speak. She shook her head and patted me, "Don't strain your vocal cords, child. Whatever you want to say can wait. Your body is in a terrible shape. You should focus on recovering."

I closed my lips feeling frustrated that I couldn't talk. My vocal cords were actually on fire but I just wanted to know how long I have been unco
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