

"Yes, I am aware." Regina pressed her lips together, responding with empathy.

Unable to tolerate the wait any longer, I swiftly whisked Justin away from the hospital.

As soon as we reached the exclusive restaurant I had mentioned, I wasted no time in placing a generous order for multiple delectable dishes. "Duck soup, prawn meat dumplings, garlic beef bone marrow..."

These dishes are packed with essential nutrients.

Once I placed my order, I made sure to inquire with Justin about his culinary preferences. "What would you like to have?" I asked him.

"Feel free to indulge in a delicious meal. I'm not hungry," Justin replied with a distant look on his face.

I couldn't help but break into a warm smile. "Of course. Would you be interested in having dinner with Regina after you have already consumed enough food to satisfy your hunger? You could consider getting a meal for her. There is no doubt that the food served at this establishment is of the highest quality.”

I attempted to bear with the situation and found myself inclined to request him to prepare the meal for my rival. Justin gave me a frigid stare. "Regina has a very poor appetite now."

To be honest, I did not have much of an appetite either. When I compared myself to the majority of people, I discovered that I had a significantly smaller appetite. The reason for my extensive order today was for the baby that is growing inside of my belly, but Justin appeared to be completely unaware of the reason for it.

"Oh, so I'm the one who indulges in food?" My cheeks swelled up like a miniature goldfish, and I assumed an angry expression on my face. I went so far as to fold my arms across my chest while maintaining a look of disdain on my face.

Even though I was experiencing an overwhelming amount of frustration, I made an effort to keep up a pleasant appearance. 

Justin had been a witness to every aspect of my being over the course of the past three years with me.

Because of the alluring and seductive woman in bed, as well as the adorable and compliant woman in everyday life, Justin was able to persevere through those three years of solitude that were so long with me.

"Feel free to indulge in as much as your heart desires." Justin let out a deep sigh, overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness.

Eventually, the plates were brought to the table. I indulged in a satisfying meal without hesitation. I found myself feeling even more ravenous after becoming pregnant. As anticipated, a pair of individuals consumed a greater quantity of food compared to a single individual.

Food that was typically not regarded as tasty suddenly became incredibly delectable.

After indulging in a delightful feast, my stomach was nearly satiated. I dabbed at the corner of my mouth with a tissue and inquired of Justin, “Didn’t you want to talk to me earlier? What is it that you wanted to talk about?”

"What did you tell Regina just now?" Justin inquired with a chilly tone.

Oh crap. It seems like he had been eagerly anticipating this moment solely to question me.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "She revealed that she was battling leukemia. And she also accused me of being a third party in your love story."

"Yes, she has been suffering from leukemia, and we're eagerly anticipating the bone marrow." Justin's gaze was brimming with indescribable feelings as he locked eyes with me. "The results for the bone marrow matching have been released. There is definitely a good match. You're familiar with this person too."

"What do you mean I am familiar with this person?" I was completely taken aback by your statement. Totally confused by Justin's mysterious intentions.

"Indeed, Margarette, you have previously expressed your willingness to sacrifice everything for me. Isn't that right?" Justin's lips gently parted, causing a subtle shift in my expression.

After some careful consideration and a period of deep reflection, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread when I finally grasped Justin's intended meaning. I reluctantly gestured towards myself and inquired with a hint of stiffness, "Wait. Are you referring to... me?"

Justin paused briefly before giving a nod.

"How absurd!" I couldn't help but abruptly rise to my feet.

Now that Regina had returned, Justin immediately felt the urge to end their marriage and eliminate any trace of the unborn child. And yet, Justin wasn't content with just that, he also had the audacity to try and steal my very existence?

I found myself feeling quite unsettled by the question of how to donate bone marrow while being pregnant.

"No way!" I immediately declined without hesitation, blurting out, "I absolutely won't agree. Not only am I going through a divorce because of her, but now I'm also expected to donate bone marrow for her? Justin, just what do you take me for exactly, huh?"

I had no intention of donating, and I would come up with any excuse to avoid giving anything to my rival. After all, I had the added responsibility of taking care of a child. If Justin were aware of the circumstances surrounding the child, it is likely that he would strongly urge her to consider terminating the pregnancy in order to prioritize Regina's well-being.

This man was completely crazy with Regina that he would go to such length even sacrificing me!

While I had previously expressed my willingness to sacrifice everything for Justin, it's important to clarify that my commitment only extended to him and not to Regina. Perhaps it was because Justin believed that Regina was his entire world, which is why he would go to such great measures to utilize me in order to prolong Regina's existence.

I felt a deep pang in my heart.

"Margarette, if you're willing to save Regina, I'm open to accepting any conditions you have." Justin wondered if he had overlooked some of the requirements.

However, I couldn't help but blurt out, " Really? anything? Then how about we don't go through with the divorce? Are you willing to do that?"

I can't help but ponder if he'd be willing to give up being with Regina in order to save her life.

Justin gazed at me in complete silence. His hesitation was palpable. It was clear that his desire to rescue Regina and be by her side was strong, but unfortunately, circumstances forced him to make a difficult choice.

"Margarette, let's not be too greedy. Even if I agree with you, it's important to acknowledge that my actions were solely driven by the desire to save Regina, not by any feelings of love for you. Given this, would you still choose to remain with someone like me who is incapable of reciprocating your love? think about it." Justin's voice dripped with icy disdain.

Was I really so greedy, or was Justin the one consumed by his own desires?

I had a ghostly complexion. As soon as Justin uttered those words, a sudden pang of anguish pierced through my chest.

Out of nowhere, a question popped into my mind and said it out, "What if I'm open to the idea of you not loving me?"

His eyes, usually filled with charm and tenderness, seemed different this time. They lacked their usual cuteness and gentleness. There was a profound sense of sadness and a touch of excitement.

Justin's words completely shattered all of my expectations. "I have no desire to do agree in your terms, and if you insist to proceed, you will risk losing everything you have right."

"Haha, Justin, you truly let me down." Despite my efforts to please, Justin remained uninterested, leaving me feeling disappointed and overlooked. All of a sudden, a wave of self-doubt washed over me, making me question my own worth. 

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