
claim me but I'll never be yours

It was more than enough to fill a hungry grown man, the food that sat on my plate.

“Eat, come on. You're so thin."

“I can't finish this."


“I can't." I said irritably. He stared at me for what seemed like ages but he nodded his head.

“Then we'll take away the rest and you'll eat it on the road."

“How long do we need to drive to get there?."

“Not long, we're almost there."

I looked around the restaurant, it was fancy and there were well paid looking people sitting in their tables minding their own business, I wouldn't be surprised if any of them knew me.

“I kow what you're thinking, don't do it."

“I don't need to walk up to any of them, I can just yell kidnapper and they'll call the cops."

He shook his head.

“You don't know who I am, sweetheart. It won't work, you'll only make yourself look silly."

“You kidnapped me and I'm calling for help, what do you mean by make myself look silly you mother fucker."

“I bought you, I have a receipt you know? Don't see anyway out of it, there
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