
CHAPTER 2: Sweet memories with her ex

Loki remained standing when she heard Nao’s that he wanted her to be his partner on the date and  Nao added a few words " It's alright if you can't decided now, I'll wait even if it's taking longer".

While Nao gripped his arms tightly around Loki’s body and she still can't say anything and kept hearing Nao’s fast heartbeat. Then Loki just  politely expressed her honest feeling ."I'm sorry but let's meet up at the park in 4 pm for Thursday" .

Nao just nodded and smiled as he felt a bit upset, he almost didn't want to release his embrace from Loki and whispered. "Since you came to my life, my boring life became motivated" .

Loki smiled when he said something motivation but before she could leave, she only could rubbed his back and released his embrace as quick.

"Thank you for the time, Nao but I have to go" .

Loki step forward and left him. It seemed like it was nothing happened between them.  Few minutes later, She was still receiving a text from two people on her phone and decided to say the same date of meet up and the same place of the park where she could confessed how she felt for them.

Loki was going home but then she noticed an empty  arcade where her ex and she used to play together.

Throwback Memories

Loki went to the karate studio at 11 pm to visit her boyfriend Jen. Where she still had a half-sleep seen on her face. Since Loki worked on a night schedule. She slowly slid the door, step forward, and looked at him, wearing a white Karate uniform and yellow belt. While the everyone are also fixed themselves.

Jen is started to walked forward in the middle, where Loki could notice him in the lights, and practiced his style of Karate. While, the others are kept sat, talked to each other, like they were just here by only sharing their  thoughts with neither of feeling frightened nor being prepared.

While ago, the Karate Trainor with a bald head, and masculine figure has finally arrived in the studio. The students was starting to prepared the lines from short to tall and began lower their head then shouted "Osu" to their Trainor.

Never heard about anything here but only the word she could heard from them was shouted "OSU". Since Loki sat here in the last chair beside of the door and tinted walls.

She observed their style and where it was different from her Taekwondo Training. Loki just sat and gave a bit applaud , and lifted her hand side to side as shown how she grateful she had a Martial Artist boyfriend. Sometimes, Loki couldn't help being jealous of the Karate girls here, which they had a beautiful figure and appearance. Unlike, Loki only had a simple and ordinary body appearance.

They're was doing basic exercises such as jogging, push-ups, curl-ups, etc. before they started a training new lesson. A Trainor decided to partner his students into two members with 4 groups. "Jen, partner with Ms. Alice".

It reminded to Loki, when Jen said about the orange belt is a higher rank than a yellow belt. It can be seen that Alice had a higher rank than Jen. Honestly, she also had pretty face with a smooth short bob haircut. Loki felt they were the same age but just how she saw her appearance ,while Jen's age is 22years old.

"Alright, Since you have already partners and I'll give you 10 minutes to train each other ,regarding what you learned Karate style last week"

They are began their training and Jen  also trained his style by his own. Suddenly , Alice held his fist and arms like she is corrected his mistake, demanded his fist should be hard when punching and she also kicked his back knee to signified he should hardened his position when it comes to fighting an opponent. Jen followed her instructions and apparently, Alice smiled and gave a bit of applaud.

After 10 minutes of their training. A Trainor decided to started the exam of his students. If they understood what they have learned last week.

 "Okay, Jen and Alice move forward, do your position like you were fighting an opponent" .

They started to move forward and set their position on Karate style, where the left hand is below the side of the waistline and the right hand doing a hard punch position. They started to punch where the left arms lift into the punch while the right hand placed below the waistline. Both of them started the Karate punch style side by side, front, and back like they were both good as partners if they’re together. Loki only could watch them - doing a Karate while Loki expressed a poker face and a little bit of envious. Then Loki walked outside and went to the comfort room, looked at herself in the mirror where she wasn’t satisfied had a short purpled hair, and wore  black varsity jacket.

Then Loki ended up retouched her face with her make-up kit to looked refresh and looked good on front of Jen.

Loki went back to Karate studio again while wore a light makeup and flower scent of cologne. As she went back to the studio, she breathe heavily and slide the door. "The result of the exam, Jen and Alice are passed"

Loki looked at both of them shaking their hands in gratitude.

"Today, our training is done, and next week , we will learning a new style of karate. Well, As for today, I congratulate the 4 groups, who passed the exam and while others needed to be examined again. So our classes are done. You may go now and rest." Trainor said loudly and the students shouted " Osu ".

Jen quickly changed his uniform to casual and went outside while Loki still stayed here inside and sat, waited for him to approach her. She followed him while he kept walked a bit far from her place and went to the pizza hut.

" What do you like to eat? " Jen asked

"Anything," Loki said.

"All you have to say is anything, can you be more specific?" he muttered .

"Fine, calm down "

"Maybe, I'll choose their promo package pizza with spaghetti and drinks" As Loki calmly said and then quickly to sat  at the place where the table nearest to the wall. While he still  ordered for their food.

As Jen finished, he sat front of Loki and asked

"Did you see our Training, earlier? "

" Yes, actually I memorized the steps of the karate style "

" Really? "

" Yes! maybe I will show you after we eat "

Their food finally arrived while Jen seriously gazed at Loki.

" Is there something wrong on my face? " Loki asked with confused expression.

" Nah, I was looking at how you wear" Jen kept stared at Loki.


"Your clothes are too old, maybe, I will buy you some new clothes"

"No need, but I won’t tolerate you to pay a lot more money on me" She refused .

"I want to" He insisted

"for what?"

"I don't want to show my girlfriend to look messy and clothes are old, I feel like I feel ashamed of myself"

"Really? well I only could buy cheap clothes and products, since I value more money for my family than what I want"

"Didn't I tell you to leave your home and find another place to live?"

"No. I don't want to, since they are still my family"

They are started to eat and he gave his unpleasant expression.

"I don't really like pizza with pineapple on top"

Jen began to get pepper and salt to the slice of pizza so, then Loki did the same as him.

"Does pizza with pepper and salt is tasty? It reminds me of my mom when you do that "

"Yes, but I don't like pineapple"

"But it's tasty"  Loki chewed pineapple with slices of pizza.

"I disagree"  Jen gave more unpleasant expression when he thinking of pizza with pineapple.

"I used to eat  pizza with salt and pepper alone here when I was high school, maybe you should try too," He said

"Okay, maybe I’ll try some more “  Loki put some pepper and salt to the piece of pizza and eat it slowly.

"Damn, It's tasty" Loki felt mixed expression of happiness and love when she eat the pizza with pepper and salt.

"Are you done eating?" Jen asked

"Ahh yes" when Loki looked at Jen, his face seems to be exhausted

"So, where are we going?" Jen asked while leaving..

"arcade?" Loki only gave an answer but can’t able to confirm if Jen wanted to go there, so she added another words "I guess, this is the only place where we can play together."

They both walked around, and Jen decided to go inside of the department store to buy some new clothes.

"What do you like to buy?"

"Huh?" Loki responded with confusion

"I said, what do you like to buy here.."

"Don't buy me anything" Loki refused his offer

"I will buy for you"." okay here… It  looks like you are good if you wear this weird girl t-shirt" while pointed his finger to the crop top sleeveless shirt with a indicate Weird design.

"Am I weird?" Loki asked seriously.

"You are weirder than me" as she murmured her words while Jen kept busy looking for other clothes.

"Yes, you are weird girl and the different girl I met. You are quiet and cold while others are too talkative, sweet, and shining like a bright girl" Jen sarcastically said.

"I'm different from another girl, I used to be like this so.. It is better if you accept me" Loki muttered 

"Can you wear this for me? then I will buy you black stockings"

"Black stockings for what? Loki asked

" I don't want to see your white thighs and legs so I prefer you wearing black stockings " Jen roasted while he wearing Loki a cat headband.

" It looks good on you" Jen teased.

"Stop“ Loki put down a cat headband.

They went to the fitting room, and Loki started to wear Jen's preferred clothes for her, such as black stockings and sleeveless crop top weird girl.

"Are you done?" as Jen slowly peeked on her.

"No, I wasn't" while Loki quickly closed the curtain of the fitting room.

And after a minutes, she slid the curtain and showed him directly .

"Do I look good? as she felt embarrassed and looking at him indirectly.

Jen suddenly put his jacket on her.

" You might be cold but yes, it looks nice on you " Jen smiled directly to her.

The salesladies  looked at her and him, Loki felt like they’re was not looking at herself but Jen, since Jen had masculine manly features which his blue polo shirt fits which could be seen his muscles and other than that, he had milky and glossy skin same as an actors.

While Loki was just an ordinary looks with the simple face.

Loki changed her clothes and went back to the area of clothes and shoes.

"Here, this is what I want, Black Crop Top T-shirt designed bunny and pink converse shoes" Loki smiled and put her umbrella on his basket.

"Why did you put there an umbrella? Jen asked

" Well, I can't go outside without an umbrella whenever is rainy or too bright. Umbrella is only I have to hold when you were too far, but I also noticed that usually rainy here when we meet "

" Alright, Ms. Umbrella girl " Jen chuckled

After they bought it, they went to the second floor where they can play arcade.

Jen enjoyed playing his fighting game called Tekken while Loki keep fighting on him but ended up losing from the game.

"Buy more token" as Jen demanded on her.

"We will never stop playing, if you can't win from me."

After several times of playing and being beaten by Jen and Loki finally won for the last play.

"Finally! I won" As Loki proudly said.

"One won for 10 fights HAHA " Jen roasted

"My future wife should be strong as the girl character here in Tekken" Jen sarcastically said

"I know, I can be a strong woman.. I promise.."

"Are you sure?" Jen asked while smiling

"Of course! " Loki speak confidently

"If one day, you are still weak then I'll leave you"

"It's fine but least we ended up together . Although it's just a temporary and I was happy that I met you. I thought my dreams never came true" as Loki calmly said

Loki never thought the atmosphere of their conversation will changed as a sudden.

"Lovers short time, short time lovers" Jen twice-told said and pinched on her arms ,then Jen immediately walked away.

"Jen, what’s your problem?" Loki asked while she kept following him around at the second floor . It seemed like Jen kept avoiding her.

"So, we are just short time lovers huh? and you're happy If I’m gone." as Jen laughed with tears and said another word. "If you wanted to do it,  then I'll leave you right here and now."

Loki suddenly reached the lower side of his black jacket.

"I'm sorry" She apologized while she still held Jen’s jacket as tightly.

"I don't want a short-time relationship" Jen muttered and lifted his head down on metal rails, and stared down at the first floor like he had a random thoughts.

" Don't you love me, do you? " Jen asked

" Of course I love you, but why do you said that? " Loki asked with confused face.

" Then why? You are allowing me to leave and I feel… like you are not satisfied with our relationship. So it means that I'm better looking another woman to be my girlfriend sooner" Jen expressed his anger tone.

" Fine. I'm sorry, Jen. I will never say those again. Please, Jen. I’m sorry " while Loki poked his cheeks as twice.

" You are a weird girl " Jen roasted but still seen his face a bit mad.

He pointed his fingers on shake booth as signify he is thirsty.

" Then buy me a shake so I can forgive you "

Loki sighed and hold his hand tightly and went forward to the girl who sells shake.

A woman politely asked "What do you like to order, ma'am?

" I prefer mango with strawberry, how about yours, Jen? "

" I prefer the best seller " Jen directly said.

Then, woman suggested to Loki that  Mango with Melon Shake

" I'll pay for it " as Loki smiled giving her pay.

A woman gave Loki a cup of shake without lid. Then, she only asked if they can have a lid. Loki  carefully put the lid side by side but it seems not to fit on the cup.

"I thought you worked at McDonald's but it seems like you are having a hard time to putting a lid on the cup. HAHA" Jen sarcastically said.

"The lid is the problem but not my fault, okay?" Loki muttered.

Jen just steal her cup and close it with a lid quickly.

"you are a weakling girl" Jen teased while giving  back her shake drink.

A woman started to smile and said "It’s looked like you both loved each other" .

"Of course I loved him, though he keeps roasting me a lot. I accepted the way he is and I loved him" Loki confidently said. Jen began to pinched twice on her waist, while he was showing his embarrassing face. Jen hid his smiled with left hand.

Loki only ran as she could, going to the empty bench and sighed. Jen also sat and held her hands. They both watched together at the crowd people inside of  the mall and seeing a blue sky, felt the cold breeze from back and side. It seems like it's going to be evening.

"I have to go now and sleep early, for my work tomorrow."

"Can't you go home for a moment, Can you?. I don't want you to go home this so early and please stay for a while" Jen said while he wrapped his arms with her arms and slowly lean his head to her shoulders " You know, Loki  you are the only one I can share my thoughts since my mom is always working and I never had experience the affection and  attention I want" .Jen simply shared his cup of shake flavored Mango with Melon to her and she quickly sip.

" Oh! it's Tasty " Loki felt the ice flavored shake mango melon on her tongue. Jen smiled and told his life story and his thoughts.

A few minutes had been passed. They both decided to leave the mall.

"I think we only have one year to meet up" as Loki said.

"what do you mean about one year? are you going to leave for real?" Jen muttered

"No, calm down a bit, Jen "

"I just want to transfer a new University and focus on study"

"I won't allow you.  Since I prefer to meet you every weekend or months"

"Don't worry. We won’t break up. I promise" Loki insisted

Loki was going to kiss his cheeks but she noticed, it's too crowd here and she decided to step forward on a place where fewer people only. Then she kissed him quick.

"Why don't you want to kiss me in public? are you ashamed of me as a boyfriend?"

"Fine. fine don't be mad" Loki sighed.

Loki walked forward to the public and kissed him twice and more on his cheeks. After that, she sat inside of the taxi, and Jen still was in a stoic position and showed his reddish face and smiled cheerfully.

"text me when you get home" Jen said.

"okay! Take care! " Loki shouted and waved her hands as a sign of leaving.

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