
Night Out


Evelyn squealed seeing the person standing in front of her. Dressed up in a white shirt with a blue top, black straight hair, black orbs, slim figure. Evelyn’s eyes gleamed with happiness seeing her childhood best friend after a whole year.

She had moved to England due to her mother’s health and year ago and it seemed impossible for her to return and now seeing her, Evelyn couldn’t hold back herself.

“ Lilah “

Pulling her in a hug gently, both the girls hugged each other after meeting for so long.

“ How- “

“ My best friend is getting engaged. Of course, I was gonna come back “

They had previously talked on the phone two weeks ago and Lilah told her that she couldn’t attend her engagement which made her feel so Down but now she realized, it was all her plan to surprise her.

“Let's have fun tonight “

She whispered, making Evelyn chuckle. She didn’t change still which made her so happy because she never wanted her best friend to change after all.


Standing in front of the mirror, she looked so beautiful. Dressed up in a black leather short skirt which wrapped around her ass perfectly. With a black bra on top with a see-through tight netted top on top, she looked marvelous.

Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail and styled with her side curtain bangs and she wore black long leather high-knee boots to go along with her outfit making her look so devilishly gorgeous. Standing in front of the mirror, she applied a dark red lipstick to give a hot look. She wanted to have the best night of her life with her friends today.

“ You look so hot “

Her sister, Kylie commented, making her smile. She turned around, looking at Kylie who smiled at her proudly.

“ Probably gonna be breaking hundreds of hearts today “

She commented, making Evelyn roll her eyes yet a pleasant smile on her lips.

“ Evelyn, Sam, and Lilah are here “

She heard Kacy shouting from downstairs, making her smile as she quickly picked up her belongings which included her phone, her red lipstick, and her keys before rushing downstairs.

Waving her family goodbye, she walked out of her house to see a black Porsche standing in front of the gate. Quickly getting on the passenger seat, she smiled, greeting her girls.

“ Hi sweeties “

“ Damn girl, you look bomb “

Lilah commented, making her chuckle. Of course, she was a very stunning young lady and she knew that too but never bragged about her looks.

“ Boys are going to be all over you so be careful “

Samantha joked and warned her carefully as a good friend only for Evelyn to smile at her concern. She always proved to be a good friend. Soon, their destination arrived and Sam parked the car before they made it out of the car.

It was currently 8:39 pm and she was allowed to stay out till 10 as per her father’s rules.

Walking inside one of the biggest clubs in the city, they witnessed the suite filled with people. The lights flashed red as loud music blasted through the speakers. People dancing on the dance floor, a few making out in the corner and getting cozy while some sat in the booths having drinks.

The bartender continued to pour drinks for people while the waiters roamed around to serve drinks. Walking inside, they made their way further into the crowd before making their way to the stairs and joining the VIP section.

The girls made their way to one of the booths before taking places and soon were approached by a waiter. He was a good-looking guy with brown hair, brown orbs, a little bit of beard growing as he gave them a warm smile.

“ What can I get you? “

“ Beer for me “

Sam told the waiter as Lilah gave a few thoughts and then answered.

“ A few shots of vodka and a bottle of liquor “

Evelyn’s eyes widened as she looked at Lilah. The waiter walked away and Sam chuckled at Evelyn’s reaction.

“ You’re gonna get drunk sweetheart “

Sam spoke to Lilah, making her roll her eyes. Soon, our order came and Sam grabbed the glass of beer, sipping on it as Lilah pushed a shot of vodka toward me. I was never fond of drinking cuz even a small amount would make me drunk.

Forgetting everything and letting herself enjoy, Evelyn grabbed the shot of vodka before gulping it down. The burning sensation in her throat made her want to puke as she made a disgusting face only for Sam and Lilah to chuckle at her. Lilah took the vodka shot before sliding another one towards Evelyn as she took it.

By the fourth shot, they were on their liquor. Lilah poured them a glass of vodka as the girls cheered.

“ Cheers for Evelyn “

The girls laughed before finishing off their drink. Lilah had made her way towards the dance floor, dancing her heart out like a crazy mad girl making Sam and Evelyn chuckle at her while Sam noticed a guy looking at her.

“ Let me talk to my admirer “

She spoke, making Evelyn chuckle and understand before she walked towards the man and sat right on his lap, making Evelyn widen her eyes. Her head had started feeling dizzy and she was seeing two of the same things.

She rested her back against the couch before a sudden feeling of throwing up empowered her. Quickly getting up, she rushed towards the bathroom. Slamming open the door, she walked towards the sink before throwing up. Her legs wobbled as she held the counter for support.

Washing her mouth, she made her way out of the bathroom only to bump into something hard making her hold her head and wince in pain. Slowly opening her eyes, she blinked more than five times to get a clear view only for her to see a tall body in front of her.

She couldn’t see his face properly but she heard the man taking her name.

“ Evelyn “

“ M-my head- “

Evelyn murmured and stumbled only for an arm to snake around her waist and keep her on the ground steady. Her hand clutched onto the man’s biceps as she tried to get a closer view.

“ D-Dominic-

Her eyes widened as she sobered up for a second. He was there. She blinked her eyes continuously and rubbed them to clear her vision but could only see him.

“ What are you here, Evelyn ? “

His voice was low and so deep that it made her tummy do flips. He held her chin and made her look up at him as their faces were just inches away and she could feel his hot breath on her face. His warm breath fanned her eyes as she blinked rapidly.

She could feel her breathing getting slower and slower at their closeness and tried to break free only for him to tighten his grip around her waist.

She felt his giant hand move up to her cheeks and stroked her left cheek with the back of his fingers as shivers ran down her spine and she struggled in his arm just like a bird in a cage trying to get free.

His index finger grazed her features before making its way to her lips which were painted with red lipstick making her look so breathtaking and arousing.

“ I am intrigued to see your red lips around my c#ck “

His voice was dangerously low and Evelyn tried to process his words only for her to feel tingles in between her thighs. She was not in her senses but she knew what was happening was wrong. She had a boyfriend and she was gonna stay loyal to her boyfriend who was soon gonna be her fiancé.

“ T-this is w-wrong- “

Her voice stuttered as she felt hard to deliver words only for him to pull her close as she was now standing on the tip of her heels. His face leaned down matching her face level and seconds later, she felt his warm lips on hers. Her mind went fuzzy and at this point, she had forgotten everything.

Her mind was filled with his lips on hers, the kiss she was having with her boyfriend’s uncle. His tongue slowly licked my lower lip before he pulled them softly with his teeth making her let out a noise she never knew she could make.

A sinful moan left her lips as he pushed his tongue inside her mouth, exploring every corner, every inch of her mouth. Her arms unknowingly moved to his neck, tracing his broad shoulders before gripping his collar and kissing him hard.

Tingles ran inside her body as he sucked on her tongue making her feel tickles inside her tummy. It was her first time feeling all this. Her ……… first kiss.

The way he seemed and the vibes he gave off were as a dominating, brutal and very aggressive man but he was so gentle and such a tease. His huge hand moved down to her tight leather skirt before gripping her ass and pulling it up and giving a tight squeeze making her whimper in the kiss.

they both were eating each other's faces and slowly losing oxygen, she pulled away panting heavily. He gazed at her and noticed her glossy eyes, red lipstick which was perfectly applied was now smudged.

Her body felt weak and seconds later, she had fallen unconscious in his arms due to dizziness and being overly drunk.

“ Welcome to my world, Ms. Evelyn Gomez “

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