
Chapter One Hundred And Twelve


Heavy laughter echoed through the thick walls of this palace as walked to where I was supposed to go. I won't give up just like this, I can't! I won't give up without a fight.

I knew the odds weren't in my favor but I need to try for him...

I walked to the grand hall and the first person my eyes fell on was my own father.

His laughter got replaced by a menacing smile when his eyes fell on me; he stood up and so did everyone else. So did Alexander. I know he was watching me but I didn't even glance at him as I walked straight to my papa.

"Where's mama?" I asked.

"Delilah, greet our guest first then we'll talk..." he answered, trying to grab my hand but I stepped back making him clench his jaw.

"I don't care about your guest, I want to know about mama!" the second those words left my mouth, he landed a back-handed slap on my cheek making me stagger to my side with the force of it. My teeth cut into the inside of my cheek.

"You ungrateful girl, after everything I did to
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Comments (22)
goodnovel comment avatar
Next chapter plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
goodnovel comment avatar
Valentina Rodano
Please update there was nine yesterday hoping for a double even though it’s probably far fetched
goodnovel comment avatar
Heeni Taylor
More chapters plz. 1 or 2 isnt gonna cut it we deserve atleast 5 every night. You really are making us want more Author because your novel is quite outstanding and interesting. Gosh i gotta hand it to you Author YOU ARE NUMBER 1 in my book. Keep it coming yeah!

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