

I don't care, I will not let him take me so easily!

I tried to struggle my way away from him but two of his guards blocked my way. He then tapped behind me and forcefully turned me to him.

"I will scream!"

"You can try, I know you were going to throw so many tantrums so I came prepared." he blew a powdery substance on my face and I became weak. I didn't fall to the ground but I had no strength to disobey.

"That's my good girl!" He said and planted another sloppy kiss on my lips. He took my hands and led me to the car.

I heard someone call my name behind me but I couldn't even turn my neck. I just followed Trent like a dummy.


Finally, Lyla agreed to help me find Gwen. After greetings half of the people in the ceremony.

As we were working, I could smell Gwen getting closer as I got closer. Finally, I could smell her now I could also smell Peter, he seemed to be walking away from the place Gwen was very quickly.

I called out his name but he wouldn't answer me. I could smell somethi
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