
Chp 14 Pt. 5 The Mate Bond


I have been standing the shower far too long, letting the water cascade down my back as I lean my head against the cool tiles on the wall. I haven’t lost control of my powers in years and today I didn’t even realize I was losing control. Right now I feel in total control; I’ve been using my water powers to play around with the water, freezing and unfreezing it.

I let out a sigh as I turn off the shower and get out to get ready. I take my time blowing drying and styling my hair. I leave it down, curling it and put on little makeup. I put on a jean skirt, simple tee shirt and ankle boots. I have no idea where Luca wants to take me.

There is a knock at my door and I check the mirror one last time before opening the door. Luca is standing there with red roses and wearing jeans, a green tee shirt and black boots.


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