
Two kinds of bad

His words were clear. He'd made his intentions known then left her a squirming mess while he walked away with an annoying look on his face. Lyra recalled the incident of the precious night they'd arrived. 

She couldn't shake off the burden of guilt as it wedged itself heavily on her mind. Even though Shannon had pretended or acted like she didn't care if Marcellus had been outwardly flirting with her, it was all wrong. 

Last night proved it all, it was on a total new level of wrong, it went against her every moral and principles as a woman and against her job ethics which was; never fall for or date your clients, co-worker or employer. 

She'd kissed another woman's man, eagerly accepted his advances and enjoyed every part of it. She hated herself for liking what he did to her, hated herself for letting him do them to her.

Lyra could pretend all she wanted but deep down the charade of trying to resist him, a part of her wanted him so. Sh

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