
Part 2- Chapter 24

Carlos’s POV-

I watched Maria from where I was sat. I couldn’t help myself the sight was captivating as I watched her sway her hips to the beat that bounced around us.

Her hands gliding over her body seductively as she drunkenly lost herself to the music. She is fascinatingly beautiful and I practically squirmed in my seat with the pulsing hardness that grew against the fabric of my trousers just from watching her.

I glanced around seeing that I wasn’t the only one. Without knowing and so obviously oblivious to her effect she had grown an audience from more then a few men.

I clenched my teeth at the ogling freshmen that didn’t hide his arousal as he eyed her from the bar.

I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath to compose myself. I wasn’t one to get worked up for any woman but it seems this woman had wriggled her way into my mind more than id like


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