
Chapter 62 – New Gift

“I swear if you say one more word . . .” She warned him and he hated to see her red-rimmed eyes, like she’s about to cry.

He nodded and really didn’t dare to say anything. They resumed her training and he only dared to speak to advise her and give her some pointers.

When they were done, she immediately returned to the house without a backward glance. Jared couldn’t help but feel like a failure. They were already getting somewhere but he just had to mess it up.

They were quite civil for several days. Polly’s birthday landed on a Friday. Her teammates greeted her and gave her gifts.

“What did your mate give you?” Hana curiously asked.

“Nothing.” Polly thought he probably didn’t know it’s her birthday.

“Nothing? I bet he’s going to surprise you later.” Hana elbowed her with a meaningful smile.

She lopsidedly smiled and inwardly sighed. She’s n

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