

"Me", Damon replied non challantly As he quickly shifted his gaze to Rey. "I am pleased to see you Rey"

"Really?, last I checked you banished me and sent a rogue after me", Rey replied.

"And yet here you are", Damon said smiling As he took a few steps closer to them.

As Damon approached Lucius and Rey, his expression smug with a hint of determination, Lucius instinctively moved closer to Rey, a protective stance enveloping them both. He could feel the tension building in the air, the weight of their exchange earlier still fresh in his mind.

"You! What more do you want, Damon?" Lucius confronted him, his voice laced with caution.

Damon's eyes narrowed, his gaze fixed on Rey. "I wish to speak to Rey privately," he stated firmly, his tone brooking no argument.

Lucius bristled at the audacity of Damon's request. "Absolutely not," he replied firmly. "Rey has nothing to discuss with you in private. Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of me."

"So you are her little guard dog now", Damon replied. 

Rey interjected, her voice calm yet assertive. "Lucius, please. I can handle this. Give me a moment alone with Damon."

Lucius hesitated, his gaze shifting between Rey and Damon. His instinct was to protect her, to keep her away from someone who had shown such hostility. But he also trusted Rey's judgment and understood that she needed to address the situation on her own terms.

Reluctantly, Lucius nodded and took a step back, his eyes never leaving Damon. "Alright, but I'll be within earshot. Don't forget that," he warned, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and caution.

As Lucius distanced himself slightly, Rey turned her attention to Damon, her expression guarded yet composed. "What do you want, Damon?" she asked, her voice steady.

Damon took a step closer, his eyes searching Rey's face. "Rey, my mate, I know you feel the connection between us. It's undeniable. You don't belong with Lucius and his pack. You belong with me, where you'll be cherished and given the respect you deserve."

Rey's gaze remained steady, her resolve unyielding. "Damon, I am no longer yours. I chose Lucius, and I stand by that choice. Our paths have diverged, and I will not entertain any notions of returning to your pack or being your mate. You were the one who abandoned me, banished me and tried to kill me, you have a lot of nerve coming to me with this"

"Well, you are definitely no longer the Rey I know ", Damon said. "You have grown, you are more beautiful and you have a unique presence around you"

"Well that shouldn't be your problem anymore", Rey replied coldly.

Damon's features contorted with frustration and anger. "You're making a mistake, Rey. Lucius can't protect you like I can. I offer you power, status, and everything you've ever desired. Think about it. I'll give you some time to reconsider."

Rey's voice remained resolute. "There's nothing to reconsider, Damon. My heart lies with Lucius and our pack. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have responsibilities to attend to."

With that, Rey turned away from Damon, making her way back to Lucius's side. Lucius's protective presence enveloped her, a silent show of support. They walked away together, leaving Damon seething with frustration.

As they moved through the corridors of the grand hall, Lucius glanced at Rey, concern etched in his eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with both worry and relief.

Rey nodded, a small smile touching her lips. "I am, Lucius. Thank you for trusting me to handle that situation. I had to make it clear to Damon that our past is behind us."

Lucius tightened his grip on Rey's hand, his voice filled with sincerity. "Rey, I trust you completely. You're strong, and I know you'll always choose what's best for us and our pack. We'll face whatever comes our way together."

Rey leaned into Lucius's embrace, her heart filled with gratitude and love for the man who stood by her side. 

They continued their walk through the corridors, the echoes of their footsteps mingling with the weight of unspoken tension that hung in the air. Rey could still feel Damon's presence lingering behind them, his unsettling words echoing in her mind. However, she found solace in Lucius's unwavering support.As they reached a secluded corner away from prying eyes, Lucius gently turned Rey to face him, his eyes searching hers for any sign of distress. "Rey, I need to know if Damon's reappearance has unsettled you," he said, his voice filled with concern.

Rey met his gaze, her eyes steady and resolute. "I won't deny that Damon's unexpected approach caught me off guard, but I am not unsettled, Lucius. I made my choice when I chose you and our pack. Damon's attempts to sway me will not succeed."

Lucius let out a sigh of relief, his fingers tracing a gentle path along Rey's cheek. "I'm relieved to hear that, Rey. I trust in your strength and commitment to our pack. We will overcome any challenges that come our way."

Rey's lips curved into a small smile, a flicker of determination igniting within her. "We will, Lucius. Together, we are stronger than any force that may try to tear us apart."

Just as they were about to continue their walk, a messenger hurriedly approached them, a sense of urgency etched on their face. "Alpha Lucius, Rey, there is an urgent matter that requires your attention. The Alpha King requests your presence in his chamber immediately."

Lucius and Rey exchanged a glance, their curiosity piqued by the urgency in the messenger's voice. Without hesitation, they followed the messenger through the winding corridors, their strides filled with purpose.

As they reached the grand doors leading to the Alpha King's chamber, Lucius took a moment to steady himself, his hand resting reassuringly on Rey's shoulder. Together, they entered the chamber, the weight of responsibility settling upon their shoulders.

The Alpha King stood at the center of the room, his regal presence commanding attention. His gaze met Lucius and Rey's, his expression grave. "Lucius, Rey, I have received troubling news. The corruption in the realm is spreading faster than we anticipated, and the presence of the Lycans adds a new layer of complexity to our situation."

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