

"I am almost scared of what answers might await us", Rey said to Luna as she tested on her.

"We still need to try", Luna insisted as she begun to pat and stroke Rey's hair. She partly felt the same way that Rey felt and she knew that the answers to the questions they were asking were going to uncover a history of pain. 

"Do you know what Damnatio Memoriae is?", Luna asked Rey.

"I have heard of it; it is some sort of punishment where offenders are forgotten and any trace of them is totally abandoned and erased", Rey replied while trying to recollect any detail she may have missed out.

"It is more like a ritual. A binding vow, it even erases memories", Luna replied.

Rey looked at Luna as she sat up, she was obviously trying to understand Luna's point. Luna returned her gaze and sighed.

"It is almost like someone did it to the events and people that were involved in this story. Someone really didn't want anyone digging into the past", Luna said.

"That might be true", Rey said.  " We may be able to still find out A few more details"

"How.....?", Luna asked but Rey quickly got up and paced in as she motioned for Luna to follow her. The two stopped into the main chamber of Lucius where they found Lucius and the Betas locked in a conversation.

Rey's eyes flickered with determination as she approached Lucius and the Betas engaged in their discussion. She interrupted their conversation, drawing their attention towards her and Luna.

"Lucius, I believe I may have a solution to uncover more details about your family's history,  The prophecy and everything in between " Rey announced, her voice filled with conviction and excitement. 

Lucius turned to face Rey, intrigued by her proposal. "What do you have in mind, Rey?"

Rey took a deep breath, her gaze steady. "There is a group known as the Seekers, a nomadic hermit tribe of humans who specialize in collecting and preserving ancient knowledge. They may possess information that could shed light on the missing pieces of this puzzle. If we seek their assistance, they might hold the key to uncovering the truth."

"That may be our best shot, if anyone may have more information then it may as well be the Seekers", replied Orion.

Luna stepped forward, supporting Rey's suggestion. "Rey is right, Lucius. The Seekers are skilled in unraveling mysteries and have access to hidden archives and ancient texts that could fill in the gaps left by Damnatio Memoriae. They have dedicated their lives to preserving knowledge and might be willing to help us."

The Betas exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a mix of curiosity and hope. They understood the significance of finding the missing pieces and the potential impact it could have on their mission to rid the realm of the darkness.

Xavier stepped forward, his voice resolute. "I say we give it a shot. The Seekers might be our best chance at finding answers and understanding the full extent of the Blackthorn family's involvement. We cannot afford to overlook any opportunity."

Asher nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it's time we explore every avenue available to us. The Seekers' expertise and knowledge could be the key to unraveling the dark secrets that surround us."

The other Betas voiced their agreement, and their unified support echoed through the chamber. Lucius studied their determined faces, sensing the weight of responsibility they all carried. With a firm nod, he made his decision.

"Very well. We shall seek out the Seekers," Lucius declared, his voice filled with resolve. "They may hold the answers we desperately seek, and together, we will confront the truth and put an end to the corruption that plagues our realm."

The pack members exchanged glances, it was a unanimous decision. 

"Xavier will stay here in the capital with Leina. Orion, Luna, Asher and Rey will come with me", Lucius concluded.

Preparations began immediately, as the pack gathered supplies and made necessary arrangements for their journey to find the Seekers. They knew that time was of the essence, and every passing moment brought them closer to the looming threat of the corrupted forces.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into a relentless search for any signs of the elusive Seekers. The group ventured to the farthest extremes of the Realm and found nlthing.

"What do we do?, this seems like a list cause", Luna said, she was not one to hide her displeasure and impatience.

"Maybe they find people not the other way round", Rey replied.

"Like Seraphina", Lucius replied. Rey nodded in affirmation. 

Finally, on a misty morning, as the pack traversed a dense forest, they stumbled upon a humble campsite nestled deep within the trees. A faint scent of aged parchment and ink lingered in the air, leading them to the Seekers they had been tirelessly seeking.

Approaching the camp, Lucius and the Betas observed a group of individuals huddled together, poring over ancient manuscripts and discussing the secrets they held. The Seekers, recognizing the presence of the wolves, looked up, their eyes unshaken and unmoved.

One of the elder Seekers, adorned with worn robes and a wise countenance, stepped forward. "Greetings, noble wolves," he said, his voice carrying the weight of wisdom. "What brings you to our humble abode?"

Lucius, standing tall and resolute, addressed the elder Seeker. "We seek your guidance and knowledge. We have come to uncover the truth buried in the past, to understand the prophecy and the darkness that plagues our realm."

The elder Seeker studied Lucius and his pack, their determination evident in their eyes. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded. "Very well. Sit with us, and we shall share the wisdom we have gathered over generations. But be warned, the truth you seek may bring both answers and new challenges, but you must prove that you are worthy."

"How???????", asked Luna.

"This one is impulsive the Elder said with a blank smile.

"We will do whatever it takes", Lucius said as he reaffirmed Luna's words.

"That is what they all say. They have no idea", The Elder said menacingly. 

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