
Chapter Fifty Four

When Bella came down the next morning, Aunt Christy was seated alone on the sofa and Ben was nowhere to be seen

"Good morning Aunt Christy, have you had breakfast?" She asked as she walked towards her Aunt

Her Aunt nodded and Bella glanced around, "Where's Ben?" She paused when she saw her aunt's face, it was black and her lips were split, "what happened to your face?" She cried and jutted her aunt's face upward so that she could get a good look

"Oh! It's nothing, I...hit my face on the door"

"Oh please Aunt, do not lie to me, I am not a kid anymore, Ben did this to you right?" Without waiting for her Aunt to give her a reply, she turned towards the guest room, "I am going to give him a piece of my mind"

Her aunt's hand shot forward and caught her arm, "No please, do not say anything to him" Aunt Christy's eyes looked so frightened as they stared at Bella

"What are you so afraid of Aunt? Why won't you leave him even when he treats you so badly?"

"B..Ben is a nice man, he is just hot
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