
Chapter Five

Chapter V: Ex


I said his name in shock. It's the same with me.

"Ma-Maria.. it's you." he walked towards me. When he was only a few centimeters away from me, he suddenly hugged me.

It's you! I thought I was just looking around" he said happily then also loosened his hug from me. I couldn't move and stared at him. I also wanted to tell him that I was also surprised to see him.

His smile was wide while staring at me, but it immediately disappeared. His eyebrows met as if he remembered something.

"W-Wait.. Are you here at Lucas's house?" it was a surprising question.

I swallowed and stared into his eyes. Wait, should I say it? I was about to speak when someone suddenly spoke behind me. I immediately turned around and saw Helen standing not far away and looking at me. It looked beyond me causing its appearance to change. Manang suddenly smiled and walked towards us.

"Baron?! You know? Is that you?' Manang asked happily when he finally got close to us. He attended Baron and looked at me. I noticed that Manang was slightly tearful. My eyebrows were raised because of that.

"Yes, Mother Helen.. it's me.." after Baron said that, manang hugged him. It also hugged back and I just stared at the two of them. "You've been gone for a long time. I thought you wouldn't come back here." Manang said tearfully.

Baron just smiled and looked at me. The smile on his face disappeared, Helen noticed that right away.

"By the way, why is Maria here?" Baron seriously asked manang. Manang looked at me and Baron.

It looked back and forth between the two of us. I looked at Baron who was still looking at me seriously. I also avoided it when I felt like it. I bite my lip a lot.

"Do you know each other?" Manang asked in shock. Baron nodded because of that but still didn't take his eyes off me. Mother Helen laughed a little and shook her head.

"The world is really small." it said. "Oh he is. I thought you were Lucas because I was surprised that Maria didn't return to the kitchen right away. It was you who rang the doorbell. It's Baron, have you had dinner yet?"

Baron shook his head at manang's question. I thought he wouldn't take his eyes off me yet. I was secretly grateful that he turned his gaze to Helen's heir.

"Not yet, manang. I didn't really have dinner because I wanted to taste your cooking again." his smiling response to manang.

"Really? That's right! I've prepared a lot! Join Maria and me for dinner! Let's go to the kitchen." Manang is happy with Baron. Manang also smiled at me and asked me to go back to the kitchen. He walked towards it first. I didn't notice that Baron and I were left in the foyer.

"What are you really doing here Maria. The last thing on my list is to see you at Lucas's mansion." Baron asked me seriously.

I swallowed and turned to him. He was looking at manang Helen who was walking away from us. I stared at his face. I didn't expect to see you again. I closed my eyes and tasted it and also removed my gaze from him.

"Come on.. let's go to the kitchen." I said to avoid his question. I walked first to follow Helen. I heard his sigh. I want to look back at him, approach him and tell him about what happened to me. But I stopped myself. I'm old, I have to face my life alone and not depend on others.

I got to the kitchen and found Helen adding dishes to the table.

I immediately sat in my chair, at the same time Baron entered the kitchen. Manang made him sit next to it, in front of me. I got used to another Plato, at the end of the table where Lucas was supposed to be sitting. It is covered.

I sighed and just returned to getting food.

I was the only quiet one among the three of us. When I'm asked, I just nod. Manang and Baron were the only ones talking all night. That's when I found out that Lucas is Baron's cousin. I was surprised at first, I wanted to ask him if he was the same as Lucas who was a wolf. But it's good and I stopped myself from asking.

I also found out that Baron Clito used to live in the mansion. He said that he and Lucas were close when they were children and Manang has been taking care of them since then. They are said to be cousins who cannot be separated.

"That's why it's sad to leave Manila

Baron." Manang said a little sadly, Baron and I stared at each other. I immediately turned away and returned my gaze to my food.

"Because Baron's father found a new job in Manila so he was forced to study there so he could be with his parents." manang added.

I swallowed and closed my eyes. I remember that.

He told me that when we met in Manila. That he had to leave the province because of his father's work. I looked up causing Baron and I to meet.

I bit my lip and turned to manang who looked like it was about to end. I continued eating and they started talking again. I was the first to say goodbye when I finished. Baron and I also stared at each other before I finally left the kitchen. Anyway, I felt a sense of relief when I got out of there. As if the air in the kitchen was not enough because of the three of us.

I decided to walk around 100b first. I thought about going out but I just didn't.

In fact, it occurred to me to run away. I have a good chance because Lucas is not at the mansion and the manang is busy with Baron. But I just didn't do it. I have already decided to fulfill the agreement, so why should I run away?

I walked around. I watched the house as I did so. I don't know where I ended up after seeing a door near the bottom of the stairs. I entered there and the hallway leading somewhere was revealed to me. I was about to walk towards it when I felt the cool scent of the air. It was coming from my left side.

I looked around the hallway and an open door where the wind was coming from. Finally I stepped to the left, took a few steps and saw a lanai. That made me smile.

I immediately approached the end of the lanai, where there was a handrail. When I got close, I immediately leaned there. I was depressed and looked at the landscape of the mansion. But behind them are tall trees.

I held my breath, I thought I would only see tall trees in this mansion.

I looked up and stared at the moon peeking through a tall tree. The surprise on Baron's face entered my mind. I know he wants to know why I'm here. At first, I didn't know why I was even here in the mansion. But after hearing the reason from Lucas... to this day I still can't believe it.

Wife. I'm already married. I raised my right hand and stared at the ring on my finger. The diamonds sparkled in the moonlight.

Last on the list that I want to achieve in life is a couple. All I want is to help my family get out somehow in life. But it seems that because of what they did, they can afford to be without me. I hope so.


I quickly lowered my hand. I immediately turned around when I heard my name.

Baron and I met our eyes, now standing not far from me. I just stared at him. But when I noticed that he started to walk towards me, I was immediately shocked.

I looked back at the surrounding plants until I felt him standing next to me.

"How are you?" it asked. I didn't stay silent at first, but eventually I answered him.

"All right."

The surroundings became silent again. But Baron didn't seem to be used to that because he spoke again.

"I went to your house earlier." This is the reason why I turned to him. He didn't seem to expect that. I suddenly looked away and bit my lip. I wanted to ask him how my parents were doing, even though I had only been away for a day. Do they miss me? "I thought you just went somewhere so I left a while ago. But I didn't expect to see you here Maria." its continuation. I felt it slightly facing me. I didn't move.

"Why are you here, Maria?" it's a direct question to me. I didn't look back and didn't say a word. I want to say it, but I feel like I can't?

I remembered again when I was still in the city, how Baron and I met, how we became friends.. until we had a relationship.

He used to be my boyfriend. We also took almost two years. He was the only person I was close to when I was still in the city. I still depend on him, my happiness also depends on him. But in the end, that feeling was wrong.

So like any other relationship, we broke up. I was the one who broke free, because I didn't feel right if we continued that. It seems we can't. It was good and somehow he accepted and we decided to just be friends.

I don't want him to disappear from my life either. He is important to me.

"Maria... why are you here?! It's not safe for you to be here in the mansion—"

"Let me go Baron." I cut off what he had to say. He seemed surprised by what I said.

"Why Maria? What's going on? Is there something between you and Lucas?" this is a serious question to me. I swallowed and turned to him.

He is serious. It stared at me intently. I looked away again and returned to the plants.

"You're not there to find out more.. Baron.." was my only response to him.

I was just surprised when he grabbed me by both shoulders and violently made me face him.

"If someone comes between you Maria! Get rid of him! He is not the creature you expect!

He's dangerous!" he yelled explaining to me. I stared into his eyes, I could see his convincing me.

I sighed and bowed. If

I can just break up with him, I will. But will I know that I am married to him? I don't know if I can do it anymore. The word marriage is sacred to me. But I'm not married. But that's enough.

I gently removed Baron's grip on both shoulders 1<0. It's good that he didn't stop me. I backed away from him and looked into his eyes.

"I don't care about that Baron. I can take care of myself." I only said and walked away from him. I hadn't taken three steps when he stopped me by the arm. I gasped again.

"But Maria.. I'm just worried about you.. We've been together for a long time." he almost whispered to me. I looked at him and smiled slightly.

"I know.. but I hope you'll let me make my own decisions Baron. We haven't been together for a long time...l'

He seemed stunned by what I said. That's why I took that opportunity to leave. But he stopped me again.

"Maria.. listen to me.. You are not safe here.

You can't be here?! You and Lucas have different lives

"And who are you to judge me?" I cut off what he had to say. I was a little hurt by what he said about Lucas and I living different lives. I noticed that he was stunned again.

"N-No.. that's not what I meant.."

explaining it. He took a deep breath and felt his senses. He still didn't let go of my hand.

"Because you won't understand—"

"Edi, make me understand. What's wrong with that?" again cutting off what he had to say. I stared at him who now seemed to be struggling with his situation.

Tried to take his grip on my hand. But again, he didn't let me. I felt a little irritated because of that. I looked up at him who now still closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking of something to say.

In fact, I seem to be getting what it is trying to tell me. About the difference in our lives with Lucas. I have a strong feeling that he knows Lucas' personality. He might be like this too. But I'm not sure yet.

"It's so hard to explain, Maria..." he said giving up. I didn't say a word and just stared at him. He looked up at me, then pulled me closer to him. I thought he was just going to say something but I was surprised when he bent down and leaned his head on my shoulder.

That's when I get his gesture. He always does that when he gets stressed with me. I could feel the heavy breath he was letting out. His hand was still on my arm.

"It's stressful, too." this is a joke. I just laughed and shook my head. He is working again. It was serious before but now it's being slapped.

"You look crazy.."

"I'm sorry. You're so hard to convince...

He just laughed. I just didn't say a word again and let him on my shoulder. Anyway, I missed him too. As he said, we have been together for a long time.

I was surprised when I felt him holding my right hand. He distanced himself from liking me. At first I couldn't understand why he was holding my hand. But when I noticed that he was staring at the ring on my finger, I was suddenly stunned. I swallowed in no time.

He looked up at me. I can clearly see the meeting of his eyebrows.

He was about to speak but we both stopped when we heard someone whispering from behind me. We turned to see who it was. And I was almost surprised to see who was standing not far from us.

"What the devil are you doing.]' I heard Lucas say. I swallowed in no time. His gaze was dark, from behind him I saw Helen's heir who also looked shocked.

I looked back at Lucas who was now walking towards Baron and me. It looked at me hard but it turned to Baron. His gaze passed to my hand held by Baron and I could clearly see how his jaw tensed.

I swallowed again at the same time Baron let go of my hand. It walked in front of me, as if it was protecting me from Lucas. I was surprised by that.

"Stay away.. Baron.]' Lucas said firmly but Baron didn't budge. I was nervous because of that.


"Stay there, Maria.]' it cut off what I was going to say. I bit my lip. I looked at Lucas who was now also looking at me. I bent down and sighed.

"Give her to me.. Baron" I heard Lucas say. I looked up at Lucas. I noticed its jaw clenching. my god..

"B-Baron.. Let me— I'

"Maria.." Baron interrupted again. "Break up with her, Lucas. You know your worlds are different." I heard Baron suddenly say something that surprised me.

"Baron! What are you talking about?!" I said in shock. I left behind him and went between the two of them. He was surprised by what I did so he stared at me.

"Why Maria? Lyon is the only way I can think of—"

Baron didn't finish what Lucas was going to say. We looked at him together.

"Who are you to tell me to divorce me?

Maria, Baron?' I noticed Lucas' restraint in his voice. I gulped and walked towards him to let him calm down. I secretly felt relieved when I noticed that his breathing slowed down.

He quickly grabbed my arm and slightly pulled me closer to him. I stared at his face because of that. His face was serious as his eyebrows met.

"Why Lucas? She has been my boyfriend once. I know her more than you. And I know that it is dangerous for her to stay with you. Why, have you only been together for a few months? Because Maria and I broke up only a year ago—"

"So, you're just his ex..?" Lucas cut off Baron. His grip on my arm tightened slightly.

Baron was silent because of that. I turned my gaze to him and his strong gaze met me. I bowed down because of that.

"Well sorry cousin... Sorry to inform you. But Maria is my wife now.]' he suddenly revealed.

What Lucas said made me gasp. I looked at him with wide eyes. But I didn't react completely when I felt that he was pulling me away from Baron.

To be continued...

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