
Chapter 4

He couldn’t believe that she was talking to him in that manner. He lost his cool and finally placed his signature on the paper. Susan smiled with a relief. She took the document away from him and muttered “now I owe you nothing, Mr. Goven.”

That night Mark did not sleep at home. He had stormed out of the house and jumped in to his car before driving away in a jiffy. Susan knew that he had probably gone to see Frida. But anyway, she couldn’t care less. They were done and she was only waiting for daybreak to start her new life. There was a lot more outside than being stuck with a man who didn’t love her.

She would finally be free of this useless marriage, free to pursue her dreams which she had placed aside for his sake and think about her wellbeing.

At the break of dawn, she left the mansion with nothing except for her clothes. She didn’t want anyone to accuse her of taking something that did not belong to her.

Standing by the road side, she had a distance look on her face. She had been waiting for a while now and the bright sunlight was making her face flush red.

Soon, a red sports car brought her back from her reverie and then she came face to face with her best friend, Letty. The red aired girl, the only one person who has never disappointed her in her life. Letty was full of life and fun to be with. She loved her charisma and everything to do with her. She was a little bit crazy but she had a heart full of love.

“Sussy, dear. Welcome to the world of single ladies. Oh……I am so glad that you have finally opened your eyes and divorced that asshole. I feel so enraged. Did he just have the audacity to cheat on you with that useless Frida? I have never liked that woman, she was too pretentious to my liking. I warned you but you didn’t listen to me, bestie. Now see what has happened to you. I swear that if he was here, I would have given him a piece of my mind.” Letty was so angry, she could basically see the veins on her forehead bulging.

“Not now, Letty. I am in no mood to hear about your lectures   more less about my ex-husband. I only want to focus on the good energy. Can you manage to relax a bit, please? “She asked as she leaned forward and hugged her friend.

“Alright…..then let us go home. I just know what best to give you to take away all this sadness in your eyes. Cheer up, girl. I promise that I will introduce you to some of my guy friends and you are going to like them. They are rich, sexy and single.” she continued saying while she danced to the sound of the music on the back ground.

 “Just take me to my old apartment, I don’t want to bother your family. Please, I don’t think that I am interested in meeting any man. I am allergic to them starting from today.” she said and Letty became startled.

“Really….then I will keep them around until your allergy disappears.” She rolled her eyes, mimicking how crazy she sounded but Susan was not in the mood for her mind games at the moment.

She never cared that Susan was coming from an average family. All that she knew was that she was a kind hearted woman who deserved better than what Mark Goven has given her. From the moment, they locked eyes on their first day on campus, they had known that they had something special.

“What would I do without you, my friend?” Susan asked after they had reached the small apartment? it looked sad and lonely but hopefully she won’t have to stay in it for too long. she had plans and she was not going to feel sorry for herself.

“Of course, you always need me in your life. Now tell me, what are you planning on doing? You do know that all that you have to do is ask and I will find you a job at my company, right? “Letty asked as she caressed her hair.

“Thank you, my friend. I am going to have to turn you down because I wouldn’t want to stay in this city where there are bad memories. I have a job offer in the North City and I am thinking of taking it. Their email came last week and the reporting date is tomorrow morning. So, I have a couple of hours to disappear from this city for the rest of my life.”

“Oh….I am so happy for you, my dear . why don’t we go out and celebrate in the evening? I know that you have been playing the role of a good wife in the house and you haven’t had fun. Let me remind you of what you have been missing “she said with a cheeky smile.” In the meantime, let me cook for us a nice meal, okay”

Susan smiled “Of course, why not?  to hell with the fucking idiot who ruined my life. let us go and dance to the sweet music. I miss the adrenaline of the good old days and I think that this is exactly what I need to snap out of my depression.”

“You can thank me later, darling. I just don’t want to see you sad.  You know how much it hurts me?”

In the evening, the two ladies walked into one of the most exclusive clubs in the city. They sat on their table and ordered their drinks. Susan wasn’t a heavy drinker but tonight she wanted something strong to make her forget. she wanted to wash away everything that has to do with her life in the city.

“Hey……Sussy, I heard that there is a new boys band coming to town and they chose this club to perform. Would you like to listen to them?” Letty asked over the loud music. She had a lot of acquaintances who frequented the club so she thought that even if she stepped away for a minute, Susan would still be entertained.

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