
Chapter 3

“The sooner you realize that I am the best woman for you, the better. I am not going to be always on the stand by waiting for you to divorce your wife. Babe, remember that I am going to give you a child very soon and you should prioritize my wellbeing over hers.” she kissed him goodbye and left having been contented with the events of the evening.

Frida hated the fact that Susan managed to gain the attention of Mark when she had always been there showing him how much she really loved him. It wasn’t easy to get him in to her bed and she wasn’t about to relax until he became hers.

Apart from being Mark’s secretary, Frida was also a daughter of his father’s best friend. When her parents died at a tender age, Mark promised to take care of her for the rest of her life and Susan didn’t think that he would actually sleep with her.

All along, Mark had told her that she was like a sister to him and so she never understood the rumors that were going around that he was cheating on her until this moment.

It made it even worse that she couldn’t conceive within the three years that she had been married to him and Mark kept on blaming her for their childlessness. Leave alone all the insults and blames she had received from her mother-in-law.

 But she stayed behind because of the love that she thought that she felt for Mark. As long as they tried, they would soon get pregnant and make everyone else who insulted her shallow their words. How could it be possible that she missed the signs? Why did he marry her when he knew that he never loved her?

As she walked inside their home, she couldn’t help but to get disappointed. The mere sight of what could have been a happy home laughed on her face. This was a place that she had built with her two hands so that the man could be happy and contented. So that she could provide a home for her kids, but the kids never came and she watched as her marriage scrambled down painfully.

Hurriedly, she went upstairs and cried herself to sleep.

At midnight, she heard the sound of a car coming in to the mansion. No one needed to tell her that it was her cheating husband who had decided to pay her a visit. She didn’t want to look at his face or talk to him. All she wanted was to be left alone to deal with everything just the same way she had been doing it all along.

However how much he debated in her silly head, she couldn’t come up with an answer to why he decided to come home after one whole week and at the exact time when she caught him cheating.

“Why are you still awake? Don’t you know that you will get sick if you stay up late?” the same goddamn voice that she had grown crazy about and addicted to vibrated in to the lonely room. The man stood beside her as he looked at her with his deep blue eyes, those eyes that always made her weak to the core.

 She didn’t know how to react. A few hours ago, he broke her in to pieces and made her feel horrible but now he was here in front of her showing her affection as if things were just normal. What the fuck was the man made of?

Susan’s mood dampened. He didn’t have even an ounce of remorse.

“Oh…. yeah…….I know that  look. When you want it , you would always lose sleep and wait for me” he muttered with a hoarse voice  and then he shamelessly pulled her legs making her lay flat on her back. He knew that she would forgive him. She was too generous and naïve to take things seriously.

The next moment, he was on top of her, kissing her cheeks and caressing her body like it was the only one thing that his life depended on this world. It repulsed her so much that she started to push against him but on the other side he thought that she was just playing hard to get.

A slap landed on his cheeks and that was when he came back to reality.

Her eyes were raging with fire as she yelled at him” Who the hell do you think that you are, bastard. I just found you sleeping with another woman and then you come here to touch me with your dirty hands? Do you have any shame at all, I heard and saw everything that you said, Mark? Don’t you think that I have feelings? When did we start being like this? We were supposed to be faithful to each other and not to hurt each other like this. I swear that as long as I live, I will never forgive you. Never.”

“Don’t you dare in your life ever shout at me. You are my wife and you are supposed to give me my conjugal rights whether I cheated on you or not. Don’t pretend that you don’t want it? isn’t that what you came looking for in my office?” he said sarcastically while holding her chin.

“Fucking idiot….. thinking that I will suck up to you for the rest of my life. Listen to me very carefully, you will never touch me in your life ever again. Just go to her and leave me the hell a lone.” She hesitated and then added “ I am done here, kindly sign the divorce papers on the table. My bags are already packed. “

“Is this what you want?”  the man asked coldly after reading the contents.

“Oh…yeah. I have never been so sure in my whole life that this is what I want. But why are you hesitating? your mother made it clear to me that she never wanted me and I understand now why she has always favored Frida. She would always look at her with affection, I really felt jealous but that will never happen again. Let us just go our separate ways.”

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