
Chapter 2

Seeing him worshipping another woman’s body, she felt like the most stupid woman in the whole world. She loved this man. She trusted him. she would go to the end of the world for his sake but for him, she was just a dumb and boring woman. This time round she could not prevent the tears.

 They came on to her face like a furious river.

Why must he hurt her this way?

She was so angry as she shouted” I am going to kill the both you . Mark, why the hell did you do this to us?” she sniffed her nose and more tears came.

That was when Frida saw her standing on the doorway and she panicked. Immediately, she pulled away from Mark’s body in a jiffy and Susan could see the disappointment in his face. Mark was too consumed to even realize that there was a third party in the room.

She couldn’t help wondering if he had ever enjoyed himself the way that he was doing now in another woman’s arms during the times that he was with her. Lately, all that she ever felt was him holding back when she had poured her heart and soul in to pleasing him in all the way that she could.

“Why did you ruin things? I was about to get my release” Mark complained with a deep low voice as he continued to pull the struggling woman back on to his naked body.

“Mark, your wife is here” she whispered while trying to cover herself with his shirt.

“I heard her voice. So what?”  he said sarcastically.” Did she have to appear at this time that I am finally enjoying the time of my life?”

“Frida!” Susan called with an emotionless voice, her eyes looking at the pair as if she wanted to murder them.” You are doing a pretty good job at being my husband’s secretary. I didn’t think that you would actually ride on him like that. I used to think that you were so innocent, you couldn’t have turned in to a bad girl all of a sudden? I should have listened to the voice of the people.”

There were rumors going around that Mark was involved romantically with Frida but she didn’t want to accept the facts right on her face. Why was she this gullible? If she would have listened with her head, she wouldn’t be hurting like this.

“Susan, I thought that I told you that you should call first before coming to my office? This is not any place that you can just walk in to. What exactly are you doing here?” Mark asked while putting on his trousers. He was so cold, she has never seen that side of him until today.

Most of all, she was still recovering from the shock of seeing the two of them naked.

“Really……and she has the right to be here. Well, you don’t need to hide it anymore. What I should be asking you is how long you have been fucking this woman? At least, I deserve to know that for breaking my heart when all I have ever done was to be a good and loyal wife.”

Mark sneered at her words.

“A good and loyal wife? Do you know the meaning of what you are telling me? A good wife doesn’t spy on her husband and most importantly, a good wife gives her husband kids. Have you met all the conditions?”

She could see how Frida became excited at the humiliation that she was going through. She laid her head on Mark’s shoulder then she gave her a sarcastic smile.” We have been together all our lives. Babe, please tell her that she was the one who came in between us.” Frida said.

“Shut the hell up, Frida. I didn’t ask for your opinion. “She was so furious. She couldn’t control herself. All she knew was that she was pulling Frida’s hair and she was screaming like a mad woman. Serves her right for messing with what was hers.

Susan watched as Mark shielded Frida before yelling at her.

“Enough…. Just fucking go back home. Apparently, this is not a good time for having this kind of a conversation. I will meet you there when I have free time” Mark ordered while looking at her with dark and dangerous eyes.

Upon looking at the bag she was carrying, her mood turned icy. She removed the contents and threw them in to the trash. It was wrong but her rage would not allow her to feed this man who have just betrayed her in the worst way possible.

“Mark, I loved you with all of my heart, we could have been happy but I guess we are just not meant to be. Thank you so much for showing me just what exactly I mean to you. You guys should continue with what you were doing. I am so sorry for disrupting your happy moments. I will wait for you at home.”

The pair were just left speechless at her words and Mark was even more guilty for her calmness.

Susan turned back on her heels and fled out of the office. In fact, this was the first time she was coming in to this place and she kind of hoped that things would have turned out well.

 But everything that has to do with Mark was a pain in her ass ever since she stepped foot in to his life. She had only been hoping that he would change and love her back but now everything was crystal clear to her. She always came last in his schedule. He missed all the important moments in her life and yet she kept on forgiving him over and over.

“I think the fun is all over. Let us meet up some other time. I have a lot of work to do” Mark instructed Frida emotionlessly. The woman stood up and quickly grabbed her stuff. The most important thing was that she will soon get rid of Susan. No woman will ever entertain infidelity.

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