
Chapter 2

....Elaine’s POV....

While parking my car between the cars, I got my car bumped to the car which was in front of mine.

I kept sitting for few moments being all startled. After some time, I got out of my car. Checking the broken parts of the car that I caused, I was getting afraid to face the owner of the car.

So when a person got near and started checking the damaged car, I did not dare to look at him at first assuming him to be the owner and fearing to face his wrath.

Later getting myself together, I apologised to him as I looked up at him only to get shocked.

He also seemed to be shocked as well as he got uttering, “You?”

I got all silent for a while.


Why it had to be him only!

I had been trying for a long time to talk to him.

Actually not me..

My heart was trying to convince me to accept the feelings for him that I had been feeling from the first day of our encounter and talk to him.

But I could not get myself to do it for some reason. On top of that every time we encountered, I was in a self made mess which embarrassed me like hell.

But what surprised me was his all casual and understanding nature every time. I looked around to find some other person thinking he might not be the owner of the car this time.

Then I heard him speaking, “Are you all right?” his eyes were still on the scratches of his car.

I gave him a confused look but didn’t utter anything. He then turned to me and I apologised again, “I am really sorry.”

While nodding at me, he spoke up again, “It is okay.”

Though I got relieved but being somewhat shocked at his always calm behaviour, involuntarily a word got out of my throat, “What?”

This time he gave me a confused look only to get me utter, “I thought I will get an earful from you for my careless act this time.”

Hearing me, he smiled a little and spoke up, “It was never intentional. I can understand.”

I didn’t know him well but with the car and his overall get up, I could easily tell he was quite rich but with not so arrogant nature and on top that his smile..

It was like contagious that compelled me to smile also. His smile to be precise the dimple which got deeper with his laughter was the thing that made me fall for him.

And like really I got on checking out the young man in front of me which I couldn’t help every time we met.

In three piece, dark, formal tux, he looked debonair and mesmeric. His coal black hair were perfectly combed back, favouring me to get a full view of his bright face. He was quite tall might be of six ft long height and with graceful physique.

To break the chain off and stop going on with my stupid thoughts, I looked away from his face.

But his soft mannish voice got me turned to him immediately as he spoke up, “The condition of your car is same as well.”

I followed his gaze to get what he meant actually. Just then something caught my eye. How could I forget that even my car had gotten hit in the process!

I bent towards my car to have a better look, it had a huge dent with the few scratches and the back lights were in the same condition as it were of the other car.

Oh no! Uncle would surely kill me for this. He clearly warned me in the morning today and I already did it.

What am I gonna say to him?

I need to get it repaired before uncle, aunt or Evana sees it. But where will I get the money now!

Though I didn’t get from Cannon but I am surely gonna hear an earful from them today.

Getting me out of my trance, Cannon spoke up, “Well, I was thinking of asking for the compensation of my damaged car. But I think your car did that work itself.” while looking at my car.

I looked at him immediately fearing what if he really got asking for compensation!

I seriously couldn’t ever afford it now.

His playful eyes made me frowned.

Was he teasing me!

Before I could say anything, his phone rang off. He answered the call with a smile and got uttering, “Sam, I am on my way.”

He pocketed the phone and got uttering as he took a step ahead, “See you.” only to get stopped and added, “No actually I shouldn’t say that, right? Whenever we meet, something unpleasant happens. Anyways take care.”

I got hurt at his words though he just told the truth only. It was our third encounter and every single time, I was in a messed up situation where I myself always took the charge to get it all messed up.

Actually aunt says the right thing about me. Not something else but the problem with me is no other than me actually...

On top of that my mind chided, “That’s true.”

I looked back for once as Cannon got into the car and drove away. Letting out a sigh, I forwarded towards the shop.

The opening of the boutique shop and all went on smoothly but the thought of my damaged car kept crossing my mind while reminding me of the wrath of Uncle specially which I was going to face again very soon.

I just prayed not to get homeless at the most as sometimes aunt got threatening me with it....

....Cannon’s POV....

While driving towards the servicing centre, I thought of Elaine. This girl was really strange. I remembered the first time we met at a coffee bar.

After office, I went there to meet a friend of mine. When I was about to get in, she got bumped to me pouring her drinks to my shirt. The white cotton shirt of mine got bluish stains within no moment.

The little bit of anger of mine faded instantly seeing her all afraid face as she kept apologizing. I got remembering a childhood incident of mine where I got a tight slap from Dad for doing something like this.

I tried to get her calmed and spoke up with a smile, “It’s okay. I am thankful that at least you weren’t having a hot coffee.”

The expression on her face was worth watching that made me smile at her.

Leaving my car for servicing, I got into a taxi and forwarded towards my office. Arriving the office, I paid the driver and walked towards the entrance. Sam was waiting for me at the entrance.

Seeing him like that, I got confused but before I could say something, he spoke up, “Aiden is here to meet you.”

“What?” I got more confused. I walked to my cabin followed by Sam. Entering the cabin and seeing Aiden’s expression, I could easily tell something was wrong.

I turned to Sam and nodding at me, he left my cabin.

I faced Aiden, “What are you doing here in my office?” giving more emphasis on the specific word.

He got smirking at me and uttered, “Don’t be so happy thinking you have won. It’s not the end.”

I sat on my chair and spoke up calmly, “Well, I haven’t faced the defeat yet and I guess God is up to something otherwise the devil wouldn’t try this hard to fight me.”

The smirk from his face got faded away in no moment. Nonetheless he tried to get uttering but I didn’t let him.

“I play to win whether it’s just a practice or a real game.

And I am not letting anything to get in the way of me and my competitive enthusiasm to win.”

Glaring at me, he spoke up, “Will see.” and I just nodded at him with a smirk on my face.

Aiden left my cabin and I leaned back on my chair closing my eyes.

Why is he like that to me!

What did I ever do to him to get treated like this!

Nor I am trying to snatch something from him. I am happy with mine. But seeing me happy or my success, he always got mad from the very beginning.

I got out of my trance when I heard a knock on my door. I composed myself and took a file as I voiced out, “Come in.”

Sam entered. When he didn’t get uttering anything, I looked at him, “Do you have anything to say?”

He uttered hesitantly, “Sir, Aiden. What did he say?”

Knowing his further words, I got uttering, “Don’t worry about him. I will handle it. Get back to your work.”

Giving me a nod, he turned to leave but I stopped him, “Samuel?”

He gave me a questioning look. Must be because I called him by his full first name that I did rarely.

Without bothering his look, I forwarded a small box towards him.

“It’s for you.”

He took the box while giving me another questioning look.

With a smile, I spoke up, “Happy Birthday.”

His face flashed happiness as he uttered, “Cannon, you remembered?”

I just smiled at him. Thanking me, he left the cabin. Sam is my friend come PA. He was always with me in school days. After getting back from abroad when I saw him struggling to get a job, I asked him to be with me.

Though that time was just the starting of my business career, he agreed without any second thought.

He has always remained a good friend of mine. Smiling at the thought, I focused on the file and started working.


When it was late in the afternoon, almost at the end of office hour, Sam entered my cabin, “Are you busy tonight?”

I gave him a questioning look and he spoke up, “There is a small party at my house. If you would join, Wait. You have a flight to get tonight. It’s okay. You don’t have to attend it.”

I smiled at him and spoke up, “Sam, the flight is at 1 by morning. I will stop by your place. Don’t worry. And why didn’t you leave yet? I asked you to leave hours back.”

He spoke up smilingly, “I had some work to finish. It’s done and I am leaving now.”

He left the cabin and completing my work, I also left for my place. After getting a long shower, I dressed myself properly.

Grabbing the car keys, I got out of my apartment and made my way to Sam's place. Spending some time with Sam’s family, I left.

Sam had a lovely and caring family unlike me and whenever I came here, not only Sam but his full family, uncle, aunt and Sarah, Sam’s little sister, they tried their best to make me feel at home which I missed all my life.

After spending a good quality time with them, I left for the airport.

It took almost 6 hours for me to land at my destination. But getting out of the airport, I got shocked. I didn’t expect to see her here at this time.

She was looking at somewhere. Her face was fallen. But when her eyes fell on me, her face lit up in no moment flashing a cute smile which confused me more.

What was she doing here! I wondered for a moment.

I was about to take steps towards her but didn’t get to take a step as she got near me herself almost running. I stopped in my track and she reached me in few moments. I kept all silent being somewhat confused only to get shocked at her words...

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