
Thanks for June

Hello, everyone! I'm here to thank everyone who has read Alice and Massimo's story so far. The only reason this story continues is because of your support! I promise that I will continue doing my best to maintain the frequency of two chapters a day in July! ^^

Remember, if you like the story and want to help it go even further, consider leaving a comment, review or gem! Every help from you is precious! <3

Special thanks to Shantel Osgoood for all the gems! Also for Clarice Raimundo and Penny Zagrafidis! A big thank you to Lhyn for the review on the main story page! ^^ And finally, thank you very much to everyone who commented! I can't always find all the comments so I can reply to them or like them, but you can be sure that each one is important!

I hope to continue seeing you in July! ^^ Happy reading!

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