
Chapter 42

Smiling, Gerald bent down. North immediately closed her eyes.

“Gerald, I heard that Jane is here. How on earth does she still have the guts to come to you?”

They heard a voice outside the door. At that moment, it seemed as if time had frozen still.

North felt nervous. She quickly pushed Gerald away and charged upstairs hastily.

Colt pushed open the door clumsily. He immediately sensed something amiss about the atmosphere and asked, “What are you two doing?”

Gerald’s eyes narrowed. “What is it?”

Colt sensed an intense murderous aura, and he gulped.

“Nothing. I came to remind you that Jane will certainly complain to her mother. Georgia is a very troublesome woman. Sigh. I wonder if Sharon is really from the Lane family. Why is she so different from Jane?”

North’s ears perked up. “Is Sharon Jane’s elder sister?

“Is Sharon very close with Gerald and his friends?”

Gerald did not respond to Colt. Instead, he looked upstairs pointedly.

North felt a shiver running down
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goodnovel comment avatar
You should pay more attention to the names of the people!

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