
Testing Boundaries

Scarlett POV

Nick unzipped his pants, then put his hand inside, and I saw his cock right in front of me. It's not completely hard yet, but I already know it was big because I had felt it yesterday and seen it only now realizing that he's circumcised.

Something different for an Alpha, usually Alphas don't like to mess with their appearance, apart from a few who get tattooed, but it's hard to do anything permanent, given the high regeneration that Alphas have.

I move the tip of my tongue to wet my lips and bring my lips closer together, I know I can't use my hands, so I take my tongue out and give the head a quick lick, just to get a taste. I realize it's saltier, so I move my tongue around inside my mouth, to make it wetter.

The second time I ran my tongue a

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