
chapter 5


"He's here!" a maid announced. And that was how they all giggled like 16 year olds. I wondered what the fuss was all about. Then I asked a girl and she explained everything to me. I wondered if Cadel was truly gorgeous as the others were saying or he was just hyped. My thought process was suddenly Interrupted when I heard a screech of my name. 

"Malia!!!!!!" I rolled my eyes and came. 

"Where the hell have you been!?" 

"I'm so sorry Jesse, I was at the kitchen fi–" she cut me off with a wave of her hand. 

"I don't want to hear it. Now get me my other gowns, these ones are not beautiful enough" she said as she admired her nails. I resisted the urge to smile. Even her wanted to look good. Now this was interesting. 

With all these going on, I looked forward to seeing him. And knowing the kind of person I was, I had a very high expectations for him. He better be who I think he was or else all this hype will go to waste. I got Jesse ready and she left. I tidied up her room and left.

The event was a bull fight at the palace arena. I hated that sport with all my life but I had to watch. A maid was equivalent to a beggar. We were behind when the Faulkners all came in. They were all good looking men. They began sitting. 

"There he is" I turned to find Celia my closest maid friend whisper into my ears. "Who?" I asked, a frown marring my face. 

"Cadel of course" she said 

"Oh" I said as I remembered. 

"where is he?" I asked stretching my neck, like that of a Giraffe. 

"There…look closely." I looked and I could see a fine smooth neck. I held my neck as he was about turning but suddenly he stopped. I shifted my gaze to find out that Jesse had called on to him. She was acting sp sweet and literally falling over him. He tried to be decent with her. 

"Oh look, our royal bitchiness beat you to it. She says, he is her crush" Celia said as she eyed them. I chuckled in reply. Jesse's attitude had finally earned her a nickname, that would last for a while. 

"Girls!" we turned to see the Luna beside us. She gave us all a glare to stop ogling the Faulkner Alpha. We bent our heads in Shame and muttered our apologies. She told us to go get the food. And off all the maids went. 

We gathered our delicacies and headed to the diner. By then the guests and their hosts had started getting chatty. 

As I arranged the plates, I suddenly had the to look up. And there he was. I locked eyes with the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life.

God! Were people meant to be this good looking. He affected me in different ways I couldn't understand. I looked down immediately and for a second forgot what I was doing. 

There was something about the way he looked at me. His eyes were like a gun. It held me and kept me hostage. I looked up again and found him looking at me. I looked away immediately. I couldn't take his stares. Why was my body reacting like that. 

"Will you like to serve the VIP's table?" Celia asked. I immediately shook my head. I didn't want to spill food on anyone and get embarrassed. 

"Isn't that the table of the Alpha Faulkner, Cadel?" I asked. Even as his name left my mouth, my heart skipped a beat. 

"Yes it is . It's just the girls had been struggling to serve that table but now they are nowhere to be seen. They are all serving the Alpha Edward, the Luna and others" Celia said. I told her again that I wouldn't serve them. 

Just as she was about Leaving, I heard my name. 

"Malia" I turned to find Jesse glaring at me. "Come serve us" she was now sitting beside Cadel. 

I swallowed hard as I took the tray from Celia with shaky heads. With every step I made, my heart pounded. I thought for a moment, others could hear. I got to their table and began serving them. Cadel couldn't take his eyes from me. I felt that I would make a mistake any moment if he continued staring. Just as I was about putting the last plate on the table, Cadel raised his hands and tipped the plate over and the food came pouring.

My eyes were wide. I saw that. He did that on purpose. Just as Jesse was about to hit me, he blocked me and it fell on him. He held my hands in that moment and looked briefly into my eyes. 

"I'm so sorry everyone, it's my fault, not hers" he said smiling a little. I stood there too stunned to speak. I didn't know how to react. My body was shaking from the accident but my skin burned the moment he touched me. He looked at me again and that look said that, he felt that too. 

Cadel was accompanied to where he cleaned up while the other maids cleaned up the floor. 

I ran straight to the maids room. My heart was like a balloon full and filled with air. I just couldn't calm down. I stayed like that till sleep came and stole me away. Then I was in a dream. I saw Cadel on a horse riding with many Faulkners. They were marching on. 

His face didn't say he came to drink tea or talk werewolf politics. His face was filled with purpose and anger. The only thing I could remember as I jolted up from sleep was that, the Faulkners were coming to attack us. They were coming for war. Sadly nobody here knows that. Well except for me. 

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