


The fake smile on her face disappeared and she closed the distance between us. Which I found very interesting. She looked me dead in the eye glaring at me and I returned it. We stared at each other for what felt like a minute before she opened her mouth and spoke. “Look here young man, I don’t know what game you are playing but if you hurt my daughter then I will have your head!”

I crossed my hands in front and chuckled. “I asked you a question before and I am still waiting for an answer.” She looked confused. “What question was that?” I shook my head. “It looks like you people are not fond of listening. Or at least listening to understand then respond but you are good at listening to respond.”

She continued glaring. “Very well, I will repeat myself. The question was if you don’t want me to take your daughter with me. Why don’t you keep her?” she looked offended by what I said, and I didn’t care. They needed to know that I didn’t care about them or their daughter. “Enough now my dear, the boy is right. We are being overprotective; Tina is going with her mate not a monster.”

The alpha said pulling his mate to him. The woman didn’t seem pleased at all by me. She glanced at her daughter then wiggled out of her mate’s arms and went to her. She hugged her then said loud enough for me to hear. “If you are not happy with him, then you come right back home. Do you understand?”

I laughed and the daughter glanced at me but didn’t say anything. “I will be alright, mother.” Good girl, she and I were going to have so much fun together. “Alright, alright. You guys can leave now. But we will visit soon.” Yeah right, not until I have made his daughter’s life a living hell, he won’t.

We got into the car with Zion and I in the front seat and my mate at the back. ‘I don’t think we should punish our mate for her father’s sins Aiden.’ Midnight, my wolf said. He was fond of his mate, and he didn’t like the idea of me hurting her. ‘Did her father think about me when he killed my parents, when he took that very necklace, she is proudly wearing off my mother’s dead body?’

My wolf didn’t answer when I asked that, he too must learn that life was not fair, and it didn’t go according to what we wanted. The girl might just want her mate but that was not what she was going to get with me. She too will have to learn that life was unfair. It might not be her doing but someone else’s that makes it so.

“So, your name is Tina?” Zion said trying to make conversation with my mate. I looked out the window thinking of ways I was going to make her pay for what her father did to me. “Yes, it is.” Zion nodded. “How was it growing up with a father like alpha Harold?” I was interested in the answer she was going to give to that question.

I looked at her through the mirror and she had a small smile on her face touching that necklace. “It was bliss, my father loves me and my mother. He spoilt me growing up and he still does.” Zion glanced at me but said nothing to me.

“I get that, and I saw how much he cares about you. But what I want to know is how do you feel about him being called heartless and a monster. I mean, your father has a reputation among the packs and it’s not a good one. How do you feel about that or how does it affect you?”

The smile on her face vanished. “My father has a bad reputation?” Zion and I shared a look. Was she being serious or was she acting? “I don’t understand why you would even ask. You can ask anyone about alpha Harold, and they will tell you how cruel the man is. You didn’t know that?”

She looked offended by what Zion said. “I know that my father can be very strict at times, but he is not a cruel man and he is not a monster. So, I will ask that you stop referring to him as such.” I could not help but laugh when she said that with a straight face.  Really now, in what world did the girl grow up in?

“Do you have friends?” I asked and she shook her head. “No, my father said it was not safe to keep friends from other packs. I mainly just spoke and spent time with pack members.” I laughed even more, and she looked deeply offended. “There is nothing wrong with that, my father only wanted to keep me safe from all the bad people out there.” Now Zion and I both laughed.

The girl was hilarious. “Stop it! This is not funny.” I kept my mouth shut as if I never laughed. I turned fully to look at her. “Listen here little girl, you might have grown up in a bubble, but we didn’t. we know who your father is even if you don’t. Everything we say about him is the truth and you can ask anyone you want.”

She looked like she was about to cry. “Tell me, where did you get that necklace?” she touched it. “It was a gift from my father.” I nodded. “Do you know where he got it from?” she shook her head. “He took it off my mother’s dead body!”

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