


“Why is it that I can’t visit my daughter, what are you planning boy?” The disgust I felt for the man was something else, I didn’t want him visiting until the day his daughter becomes a shell of herself. Then I would invite him to come and see the fruits of his labour. “No alpha. It’s like you refuse to hear us. We told you that we will be taking over as leaders of the pack and that our alpha is leaving. Where do you think we will get the time to be organizing dinners?”

Seriously though, what was wrong with the man? “Also, I don’t like what you are insinuating about me, if you don’t want me to take your daughter with me then you can just say so and I will leave her behind. I do not have time to be second guessed by a man I don’t know. Your daughter is my mate but if you don’t want her mated to me, then tell her that and we can leave.”

I glanced at Zion, and he looked like he was going to pass out. I had no respect for the man, and I was showing it. What pissed me off even more was the fact that he had no idea who I was or looked like. Which meant that he didn’t care about the people he killed. All he cared about was his family.

But I was going to make sure he cared, very soon. “I don’t like the way you are speaking to me boy, but I respect it. Not many have the guts to speak to me that way, which means there is hope for you yet. The Moon Goddess mated my daughter well. To a man that is not far from her father in terms of personality. With my help, you and I will be a force to be reckoned with.

I frowned; the man still didn’t get it. But he was going to get it very soon and that was a promise I was going to keep. To teach him a lesson he was never going to forget. “First, let my brother and I get on our feet as leaders of the pack then we can revisit the topic.” He smiled proudly.

“I think I am going to like you boy, you might be the son I never had.” I chuckled shaking my head. I didn’t know if the man was mocking me or if he was serious but whatever he was doing, I was going to make it work for me to bring about his downfall. “Since we have concluded the business about the land, I think we should be going. We don’t want to miss the alpha and Luna. We still have somethings to talk about before they leave.”

I said standing up, Zion sighed and stood as well. “Alpha, please tell your daughter to meet us by the car.” I told him then turned to leave. I had enough of the man’s face and his voice. I never thought I was going to put a face to the voice and now that I have. I feel sick to my stomach that I couldn’t do anything to him.

“Alpha, we appreciate your kindness and letting us keep the land.” Zion said and I scoffed. “No need to thank him brother. It was our land to begin with. The man just wanted to take it because he could. There is no need to thank him for not taking what was ours to begin with. Makes us look weak. Isn’t that right, alpha?”

I glanced at him, and he squinted his eyes looking at me. Then a smile broke on his face. “Young alpha, you must learn from your beta here. He knows what he is doing, and he is right. If you want to take your pack far, you will have to take what you want, when you want it and not apologize for it.” The bastard said and my resentment for him grew.

The sick bastard didn’t see my sarcasm as it was. He took it as something to be proud of. He was sick and needed to be stopped. With the way he was talking, he was not sorry and was never going to stop. “I hear you alpha, I will learn as much as I can from my brother. He might be on to something if you approve.” Zion threw a sarcastic remark.

When we got outside the girl was standing there with an older woman, I assumed was her mother. I frowned looking at her neck. The jade necklace still sat around her neck and that just made me sick. The mother frowned looking at me.

When we got close, she faked a smile. “You must be the man taking my daughter away from me.” She said and I nodded opening the car door and taking her bags then loading them in the trunk. “Why are you ignoring me, young man?” I turned to look at her with a straight face. “You and your mate seem to have a problem with me taking my mate with me. Why don’t you keep her then if you don’t trust me with her?”

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