

Madeline stares at her savior in awe and rapture. Somehow, she feels she has known him all her life, and her body longs for him in a manner she can't explain.

She feels he is troubled in his spirits and she will love nothing more than to have his head in her lap, smooth out his hair and make slow sensual love with him. Damn, how did she arrive at this point so fast by just looking into the intruder’s piercing deep amber eyes? 

This is quite an unusual feeling for her, she has never felt that way for any boy before. He is a tall, muscular and barrel-chested young man probably just a few years older than she is. She is currently seventeen and that leaves him at, say, maybe twenty years of age. His lustrous red hair is held back from his face with a hair band and his jawline is beautifully sculpted. He has a face a poet can write pages of love and courageous poetry about.

“Hel-hello, I’m Madeline. Th-thank you," she manages to say something, her cheeks flushing deep shades of red.

“Did I ask who you are or for your gratitude?" Retorts Adrian Gonzalez, Alpha of the Frost Mist Pack. A handsome strapping young man oblivious to the power and attraction he exudes with so much ease.

He fully sizes her up when she tries to get up from the floor with her twisted ankle and doesn't try to help her even when she casts her eyes in his direction while struggling to get up.

"I beg your pardon. Did I offend you?" Madeline asks not just understanding why he is acting the way he is.

She further grimaces with pain, doing her best to hide it and show a courageous front. The young man in front of her might have saved her, but she still feels hostility emanating from him. She unsuccessfully tries to rub off the blood on her face and her hands on the shrubs nearby but only gets her face messed up some more.  

He looks young but he sounds like someone who has seen a lot of things and possesses much wisdom, probably from having to shoulder a lot of responsibilities. She wonders what sort of responsibilities they were and if she could help out with them. Damn, here she goes again with these strange feelings of this new man engulfing her.

Adrian raises an eyebrow at her, his senses are highly heightened after the hunt and kill of these men. They were werewolves, of that he was pretty certain, and why he had aimed for the other one's skull with blunt force. He absently wonders what packs they must have come from, definitely not his, he leads the werewolves of the Frost Mist pack much better than that. None of his men can err like that.

He watches Madeline again with pure disdain as she tries to rub off the blood on her hands and dress on the back of the trees without much success and senses her feelings for him from where he stands. He knows his presence arouses her physically and emotionally, it sexually excites her even.

"What do you think you're doing?" He questions through gritted teeth. He perceives her arousal again, which sharpens the longer he remains with her. Wolves have sharp senses not to talk more of an alpha like him.

Madeline looks at him, utterly bewildered at the question, and isn't sure what response to give. For one thing, she hasn't been doing anything else, she is only standing and leaning heavily on her one good leg and eyeing the stranger warily.

Yet this stranger just accused her of doing something probably wrong judging by his tone. He also sounds like a man who yields a lot of power, one whose words are law. 

"I - I don't–"

"Oh great, she's dumb-witted and slow too." He cuts her off sharply before she can finish.

Madeline is riled up and she takes a limp in his direction to give him a piece of her mind but Adrian takes two steps backward. Her arousal scent wafts strongly to him now that she's much closer to him and it only irritates him further to no end.

"Stop trying to get close to me, there's nothing to see here. Just get out of my sight with your blood-stained hands and dirty face," an unrepentant Adrian hisses at her.

The stupid dumb girl will do anything possible to be his Luna. He is sick and tired of her and all the other girls before her and the ones he would meet after her. They were just all the same; aroused, stupid and clueless. Without waiting for any response from her, verbal or otherwise, he struts away from her not sparing a backward glance at her.

Madeline leans heavily against the back of a tree and lets out an exasperated breath.

She still needs to get home though and now she's got to do it on one good leg. Hopefully, she won't run into any more rapists lying in wait for teenage girls. 

Explaining her appearance to her foster mum is going to be another subject to ponder when she gets closer to home. Maybe she will not run into her at all or maybe she's not going to happen to care enough to ask for specific details.

But in the hierarchy of her thoughts right now, the stranger who had saved her is at the apex of it. She has never fancied any boy before in her school or elsewhere. She knows she's beautiful, boys constantly ask her out but she is never interested.

Girls in her clique are all dating already, some had steady boyfriends and some of them already had exes but here she is, never really caring or giving a fuck about all that until now.

And now, the one guy she fancies and even entertained thoughts of loving, though she still can't fathom how those thoughts came about in her mind about a total stranger, just treated her like shit. Like as if she was cow dung stuck underneath the sole of his boots that he couldn't wait to shake off and get rid of its smell.

Madeline slowly resolves to find out more about this stranger and his even stranger attitude. After all, he is still her savior and she owes him her life.

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