
Sharp Pain


Luciens POV

The bright morning sun shone directly at my eyes as I tried my beast to avoid it but to no avail.

I finally opened my eyes lazily and looked around. Everything looked so familiar.

I was back in my room, how?

I still maintained my position as I tried to remember how I got there. I tried recollecting how yesterday night went and I didn’t remember walking back into my room.

Who brought me here? I wondered

I didn’t want Laura to know I drank that much because I knew she would not be happy about that. I was finally sober but nothing could make me forget how drunk I was yesterday night.

I felt my whole world was spinning and I had so many problems to take care of. It all felt so good for a short while just that I wasn’t able to remember anything I seemed to be doing.

Who brought me here? Or did I come back myself?

I looked around gently and nothing felt awkward and I was still putting on my shirt.

I still felt so lazy and tired that I didn’t want to get up from the be
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