
Chapter Sixty-Three: Costly mistakes

Chapter Sixty-Three

Laila POV

I have done some very foolish things in all my eighteen years of living and trusting a random stranger-again- was one of them. I had always had the sense of defending people even when i had little to no idea about who they are, and now i was falling into that trap again.

“Aurora-” I stared at the lady who had come into arena with the loud cheering which had blurred in the background of my mind. My heart drummed in my ears and my vision fuzzied as i watched Aurora in a fresh skin top and a skirt which stopped over her thighs. I swallowed as my eyes moved upwards to her face, the person i was staring at was nothing like who i had seen earlier. It was nothing like the woman i had tried protecting from the whips day back, this wasn’t the Aurora that looked at me with tearful eyes and a concerned look. She was nothing like the innocent woman i had seen, this was somebody else.

“Look like you’ve seen a ghost.” she said with a small smile on her face, “What? you
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